What do you do for work?

Retired Lineman. Started in the trade in '78 working for a contractor building a 500kv line. Then got a job at a coal fired plant with the utility I retired from as an operator. Transferred to the line side of the business in the early '80s to pursue a Lineman apprenticeship. Worked as a groundman, apprentice, Lineman, Foreman, Safety coordinator, General Foreman, and retired as a senior manager. As a senior manager I was responsible for several work groups including Portland UG network operations and maintenance, Repairmen company wide (single man crews, first responders), outage dispatch, Power Quality (brilliant techs and engineers), line patrol, helicopter services, and lamping services.
I make fun of @RiverDave 👍🏼

The pay Fucking Sucks! I'd ask for a raise, but I'm afraid I might get fired. Being retired, it's the only job I have now! 😁

Speaking of being retired...

Most of you know I built the Dune Safe website with Robin and Ian ages ago. My first website was ATVSuspensionTech, and some of you guys actually bought quad stuff from me. Man that was ages ago.

I dropped out of duning to support my son through his Scouting career. I spent 13 years in scouts on our troops committee, and my son made Eagle Scout. If you know how much work that is, you'll know why I dropped out of the dunes.

My daughter recently graduated from USC, so I'm real proud of her as well. 💞

These days I'm just enjoying retirement. I'm still building small business websites, all word of mouth, and running my own virtual server. Somedays this IS a full time job for me!

I'm also in the middle of rebuilding my toon. Yet another full time job.

Retirement keeps me busy. 👍🏼
20 years as a general contractor and 14 years as a pest control operator doing termite and construction work. Threw in the towel this year and started working for the Man (state of California) as an investigator for the Structural Pest Control Board.
Parks, since 2000. Get to do a little bit of everything. Never be rich but I can collect pension at 50 and get another park gig. Been trying to go out of state last few years but no one's biting...
Heavy equipment operator. I run a asphalt grinding machine, and haul it on a lowbed as well. Previous I was in the automotive industry, everything from a basic mechanic to custom fab work, and race support. Did that for just shy of 20 years, then needed a change of pace...
PMEL/TMDE/Metrology & Calibration... accurately putting warheads on foreheads. Anything that measures anything gets calibrated, from a torque wrench to IFF/TACAN, firing circuitry, fuel qty, stdby compass, jet engine test cells, you name it... pressure, temperature, electro-optics, physical/dimensional, microwave, all of it. Did it for 6 years as a tech in the Corps (6492), 5 years on the bench in the "real world" and then the last ~22 for the engineering agent for all Navy & Marine Corps calibration. We do it all, from determining the calibration requirements based on use and application, to R&D, to developing technical documentation, life cycle management, on and on and on. 5 years until minimum retirement age and then ...more free time.

Totally agree with Joe above on Scouting... during our hiatus from the desert served as Cubmaster for 6 years and a Scoutmaster of a massive Troop for another 6 years with >100 nights of camping each year for 4 of those, lol... and thousands of miles backpacking, canoeing the CO river, lots of adventures.

Currently, in my "free" time (meaning I don't get paid for it...):
1. The wife (an elementary principal) and I started Glamis Veterans as a 501c3 ~4 years ago to not only continue the vets day ceremony but expand the services we provide. All volunteer. Nobody is paid but we admittedly have taken advantage of a bunch of tax write-offs like donating a brand new trailer to the org and covering some costs out of pocket.
2. One of the 5 people that runs The Clean Dune Project 501c3 which we formed a year ago. All volunteer. 27th Annual MLK Cleanup coming up and a bunch of other events planned.
3. A board member for A Night For Veterans for the last 6 years, a 501c3 in the Inland Empire that works with US Vets and other orgs in combatting homelessness and other veterans issues, holding the 10th annual gala event this year. Again, all volunteer.
4. Wilderness & Remote First Aid trainer ... though haven't held a course in a while and been thinking of doing one for Glamis. What to do when help is delayed kinda stuff.
5. TreadLightly! Master Trainer.... again, been a hot minute since I have held a training event, when I get more free time I'll do these a couple times a year.
6. Involved with a few other orgs and volunteering any free time that is left....
I’m an Engineer at Starlink on the aviation program, been here about 2.5 years and have also worked on the high performance and mini dish programs. Currently the manufacturing engineer for the aviation antennas. Hope you guys are enjoying your Internet in the dunes if you have it, lots and lots of work has gone into these things!