Correct term?

The ride may suck, but you're still on a ride!
I won't call out the leader but we have all been on rides where it did suck and it might just be the terrain and not necessarily the leader.
I'm just happy to be out there!
Wow, sounds like some of you have thin skin. We all talk shit in our group and it don’t mean nothing. We are all out for a good time! Even when @Sand Shark leads is into a black hole it’s better than being at home wishing we were duning.
Yeah, you can usually tell the exact moment he goes from reading the dunes to reading the GPS to get home. My favorite way from China to the washes involves heading toward the swing and hooking a hard right just before the valley and riding the ridges to Brawley slide then out.
I say WTF and then take off out of the line, and everyone behind me follows,
I did that and was there some animosity. There is more to the story but I’ll leave that in the dunes.
Yep. Beeline back to the washes from China is a shitshow of small dunes. NW from there, then looping back into Olds area is the only way to fly if not on a quad.
Funny, this is one of my favorite rides...if you zig zag just right you can get some nice lines, not all dunes, but more flat sand racetrack like...we end up in wash 23 / 24ish
I'll just sit in the back on the ride,my quad with no radio and watch your Asses almost roll every 5 min !....🤣😎🖕
I did that and was there some animosity. There is more to the story but I’ll leave that in the dunes.
This can hang people out though. When someone in the middle of the pack peals off, and the person in front of them is actually paying attention the next ridge over, they will stop. Now, did the next guy up stop? Or, is that person now sitting on top of a dune alone looking back for one part of the group while also watching the rest of the group ride away?

Not everyone has radios. There is etiquette. Follow the guy in front, make sure the guy behind is still there....
I did that and was there some animosity. There is more to the story but I’ll leave that in the dunes.
I'll add a tid bit more.

IMO, the two most experienced people in the group should ride, Lead, and clean up(last). They can arm wrestle over who goes where.

I used to ride with a group that consisted of mostly quads and a couple V8 buggies. They always wanted me to lead on my But, half of the quads in tow were the kids (all young teen girls) of the guys in the buggies and the other half dudes who would hit the dunes once a year(meh riders). Oddly, dudes in the buggies rarely looked back....even for their kids. Hearding fucking cats. I would stop a ridge or two in waiting for peeps to catch up. In the smaller stuff you can see them. In the bigger stuff, peeps get lost.

I can't tell how many times I'd stop and was "hey, where's your f'n kid?". Blank stare returned. Only for me to turn around on some back track goose trace for some teenage girl stuck 6 dunes back crying her eyes out. The girls were all very good riders, but when struggle hits...

Many campfire "WTF!!!! bro....if I'm babysitting your kids, i'm going last. If you run away from us and hit a witches eyes, shits on you..good luck getting back to camp. Your girls will be safely waiting there"
I can't lead. I was told I had to because I don't have the turning radius that their SxS have so it would be easier to follow me. I was like huh? OK. I tooook it to heart lol So I let the LS1 RIPPPP then a few hard lefts and hard rights with the turning brake drift action, and they were cooked. Seen them circling dunes looking for me. LOL
If you follow a great leader all the time, you get a false set of confidence. It will bite you in the ass later, eventually.

I'm middle of the road, with a fast experienced group I'm happy to be last - i can keep up and will get everyone where they need to be. With my family and close friends, I'll be out front and my last guy is a select few.

Everyone having a goodtime is key, everyone getting back to camp is even better.

I do stumble into those sections at times "Goat Trails" - hahaha...but we are quads, so we deal with it.....

@BaBaBouy once I saw you handle Joe Dirt and Col. Sanders in teh Dumont I knew...

I use plain language...Dude...that was a great ride.

If I don't like it, I simply go on the radio..."I'll meet you there..." and then I shut my radio off. I assume everyone else is enjoying it and I don't need it changed for me. I'm also not playing "Vietnam"..."NO! No one gets left behind!" I have duned alone A LOT. Sometimes I just prefer it.
I use plain language...Dude...that was a great ride.

If I don't like it, I simply go on the radio..."I'll meet you there..." and then I shut my radio off. I assume everyone else is enjoying it and I don't need it changed for me. I'm also not playing "Vietnam"..."NO! No one gets left behind!" I have duned alone A LOT. Sometimes I just prefer it.
That's because you're weird. 🤣
  • Haha
Reactions: Mac
Breaking off from a ride for non mechanical reasons should only be done at a break (beverage stop).
Stopping a group to go look for someone missing takes some effort.
I circle back about ever 10 minutes to put eyes on the group.
I’m always willing to turn over the lead.