You hate to see it in YORE pool.

New House, nothing...just endless pine cones and needles :angry:

Last house, a bird, couple mice, few rats and a huge possum 🐭
Pine needles are the worse. They can fit thru the holes in your filter basket and completely plug the pump. Pain in the ass.

We get lizards here and there, had  2 ducks fly in hang out...float and around for a bit then take off.

We have a couple raccoons that come by and wash their dirty hands off on the baja shelf or the corner of the spa.

Little brats but they have been pretty mellow and my wife loves them. yeah they are totally cute.

The close up pic of the raccoon, My wife named him Rocket, LOL..well he was in the grass so I sat on the edge of the spa and slapped the water and he perked up and came right over to get a drink. He was about 6' from me.

The dragonfly's love to come down and buzz the pool for a drink.

We have a possum that cruises across our backwall about every night.

One of our cat's loves to walk across the spa to get a drink. Funny, he shakes his paw at every step then puts it back in the water.


Be careful of the Raccoons. 

I had two dead baby Possum in my skimmer a few weeks ago. I googled if it was safe and every site I visited said that some Raccoons might be infected with a worm called Baylisascaris, which can be spread to humans. ... Most germs carried by animals are killed by chlorine within minutes in a well-maintained pool.

Be careful of the Raccoons. 

I had two dead baby Possum in my skimmer a few weeks ago. I googled if it was safe and every site I visited said that some Raccoons might be infected with a worm called Baylisascaris, which can be spread to humans. ... Most germs carried by animals are killed by chlorine within minutes in a well-maintained pool.
Yeah, I have heard the raccoons carry all sorts of stuff.

Possums, don't carry any diseases though..they are super clean and I don't mind them around at all.

I kind of feel sorry for them since they are kind of a cute way1


The babies are cute. We seen them running around the backyard a few nights before they jumped to their death. 

The full-grown ones are not cute at all no matter what you say.  :hapy:  

Professional pool man- 20yrs

Animals found - lizards, frogs, birds, rats, mice, skunks, possums, gophers (have found all aforementioned live and dead), dead dog, dead rattler

Disgusting human stuff- used condoms, tampax, and tampons, turds, puke, needles, bullets, bandaids, hair extensions, fake eyelashes(look just like caterpillars), broken glass,

pool furniture, every article of clothing u can imagine, every food item u can imagine.

Pool service is extremely glamorous work

Are you sure your not cleaning out their septic tanks? 

Professional pool man- 20yrs

Animals found - lizards, frogs, birds, rats, mice, skunks, possums, gophers (have found all aforementioned live and dead), dead dog, dead rattler

Disgusting human stuff- used condoms, tampax, and tampons, turds, puke, needles, bullets, bandaids, hair extensions, fake eyelashes(look just like caterpillars), broken glass,

pool furniture, every article of clothing u can imagine, every food item u can imagine.

Pool service is extremely glamorous work

My tortoise decided to go for a swim after living around the new pool for for 5 years.

My dad found him at the bottom one morn.

I’ve found a couple mice and several gophers. Weird part is I have no evidence of gophers on my property. We do have hawks living in the little forest area behind me, so maybe they are dropping them in the pool? I’ve seen them drop other things on the road, I’m guessing to kill it?  I love the hawks! 

I did find ducks late at night or early mornings in the pool. To fix that I put a Trump float in the pool. He hates the Duckacrates. Seriously though the ducks have not come back when he’s in the pool! 


I've got Ducks! Need me a Trump Float! Peace
