You hate to see it in YORE pool.


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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I get gophers and field mice at times, but I hate to see some of the nice lizards we have around here find their way in the pool.

What have you had to fetch out of yours?



We get all of those as well...always freaks the wife out when she pulls the skimmer basket lid off and there is a mouse,gopher,or lizard in there. 

Every time I find a frog, he is happy as can be swimming around.

Sometimes there is one in the skimmer just looking up at me.

Found 2 kittens in mine once, one in the skimmer basket, alive, and another, not so much 😑

Found 4 chipmunks in the skimmer that had ridden home with us from Mammoth.

Baby rattler last night. Have found baby bunnies, snakes, and lizards over the years. 

Live rattle snake in the skimmer.....

be careful sticking your hand in there.  

One night I was chillin' in my jacuzzi (we back to a bike path and creek so get critters from time to time, have a pest guy, so not in the house fortunately) and I felt something weird at my feet, picked it up with my toes and it was a dead waterlogged lizard.. gross. 

Another night in the jacuzzi with my wife and about 2 feet away (my backyard is 75% pool and jacuzzi, 2 feet of concrete to the fence line) and we see this little tail going back n' forth.. it was a cute little baby skunk. Needless to say, we carefully exited the jacuzzi as not to get zapped. Little family had burrowed underneath the slab. There's a steep hill down on the other side of our fence.

Finally, a few times we've had ducks in our pool. They usually just take off, but this one time they were all little babies.. so long ago I can't remember if the mother was there too, think it was.. Anyhow, we got them all in a box and brought them down to the crick where they hang.

I grew up with a pool in the backyard and we chose our single story 3 bedroom (nice view too), instead of a 4 bedroom, 2 story, with no pool or view for the same price and so glad we did. Converted the dining room into a bedroom probably like 10 years ago as we had 4 kids living at home.

They're great entertainment, but remember statistically more dangerous than having a gun in the house. .. getting off topic, but I know several families that lost kids due to drowning (they got out back).


Snakes (both survived), lizzards (only saved one or two), bunny (survived), toad (survived), too many mice to count (all dead), 2 scorpions (dead or I would have killed them).  Unknown number that got out because of the frog logs.

Kreepy Krauly picks them up most of the time. When I see the Kreepy stuck in the same place after a few days I usually know there is a rat stuck in the suction hole. Have to get them out quick, they disintegrate if you leave them in too long and make for a pretty disgusting removal from the Kreepy.

If you get them out within 3 days, I find they are pretty ready to go on the grill, nice and clean. I like my pool rats with salt, pepper and a little garlic.

mines not interesting at all.... it's fairly large square 25x65 12ft deep just got new tile this year

leaves, bugs, toads and once a dead bird

once a year the ducks land and fly away, must have to much chlorine in there for them




New House, nothing...just endless pine cones and needles :angry:

Last house, a bird, couple mice, few rats and a huge possum 🐭

We get lizards here and there, had  2 ducks fly in hang out...float and around for a bit then take off.

We have a couple raccoons that come by and wash their dirty hands off on the baja shelf or the corner of the spa.

Little brats but they have been pretty mellow and my wife loves them. yeah they are totally cute.

The close up pic of the raccoon, My wife named him Rocket, LOL..well he was in the grass so I sat on the edge of the spa and slapped the water and he perked up and came right over to get a drink. He was about 6' from me.

The dragonfly's love to come down and buzz the pool for a drink.

We have a possum that cruises across our backwall about every night.

One of our cat's loves to walk across the spa to get a drink. Funny, he shakes his paw at every step then puts it back in the water.









