Yo Mamma

NOAZ longshot

New member
Apr 26, 2022
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Those old enough to remember the late 70s and 80s probably remember all the Yo Mamma jokes. In todays "Cancel Culture" the innocent act of retelling a Yo Mamma joke would have you banned from all social media platforms faster than a Sandford & Sons re-run. So let's have your best Yo Mamma jokes and any others that you think would offend a snowflake.

Personally, I think yo mamma jokes are old, cheap, and overused................just like yo mamma!!!

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“Yo mama is so broke she ain’t got no money.”

-my 5 year old nephews yo mama joke. 

yo momma is so dumb she is still looking for the “Any key” on the keyboard

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Yo Mama so poor she has to jack off the dog to feed the cat..

Yo moma so ugly she has to sneak up on the mirror

Yo momma so short she can walk under her bed with high heels on

Yo momma so short, she plays handball on a curb

Yo Mama So Ugly The Police refused To Take Her Picture

Yo momma's so fat, if she buys a fur coat...a whole species will go extinct!


Yo momma's so dumb, it takes her an hour to cook minute rice!


Yo momma's so ugly, she threw a boomerang and it refused to come back!

