Woohoo.... were number 1

Where’d you go? 

SDGE rate hikes:

2024: $449 million increase (17.6%)

2025: $315 million increase (10.5%)

2026: $306 million increase (9.2%)

2027: $279 million increase (7.7%)
he went to Imperial C and F those increases  I need to get more property for my MJ grow business. 

Where’d you go? 

SDGE rate hikes:

2024: $449 million increase (17.6%)

2025: $315 million increase (10.5%)

2026: $306 million increase (9.2%)

2027: $279 million increase (7.7%)
Just out of the city and into the desert. Imperial is where we are now. 
30 min to superstition 30 min to Glamis and 2.5 hours to San Felipe. 

Absolutely !   That's exactly why its expensive captain obvious.    You wish you could live here, maybe someday  :rofl:
 ... AND 10 universities/college (=jobs, research, opportunities) within an hour of anywhere you live  :dearwife:

... AND every variety of food and product of every culture available   :cheff:

... AND a culture of fitness, health, and abundance  :azoni:     

.... AND my rental properties will never be vacant longer than a month  :makerain:

.... AND flowers YEAR ROUND  :shellie:  

Am I wrong?? Ideally everyone should live where they are happiest though. For me, the grass is not green enough in any other state. I'm going to go duck from all the torches and pitchforks now yikes  hahahah!   :laugh1:

San Diego.....the finest city in the world! Run by idiots. Peace
Sorry but I will have to respectfully disagree, these folks are not idiots.  they are very smart, very motivated, very deliberate & its all being done with a specific intent.  Its greed & selfishness that drive these folks.

Sorry but I will have to respectfully disagree, these folks are not idiots.  they are very smart, very motivated, very deliberate & its all being done with a specific intent.  Its greed & selfishness that drive these folks.

Strike that (Run By Idiots) from the record your Honor. Let me re-phrase that. "The Finest City in The World." Peace

I have been looking at buying a business in Chula Vista  - have been driving down and spending time down there - I cannot believe the prices compared to just a few years ago,  and the traffic  - its worse than most of LA... and lots of Homeless everywhere - what happened to that area ...

I live in one of the top 30 safest towns in CA less than 3 miles from the beach in LA and home prices are cheap here / Our weather is comparable if not better as well  and we have no homeless (yet)

We still have the same ridiculous government and our sales tax rate is 10.25 , but that place was paradise  .... now it seems to be turning in the bad parts of OC 

Am I missing something?

@Fullthrottleguy, IMO, it's only a matter of time before it spreads everywhere.  It does seem though like the homeless areas tend to be super large near areas where they can get food.  It also has to do with the police and the support they get from the government.   If you have a douche mayor that crys on TV every day....

@Fullthrottleguy, IMO, it's only a matter of time before it spreads everywhere.  It does seem though like the homeless areas tend to be super large near areas where they can get food.  It also has to do with the police and the support they get from the government.   If you have a douche mayor that crys on TV every day....
probably all true  -  No where is going to nice soon ....I know 7-11's in LA are all playing classical music pretty loud outside, apparently keeps the homeless away  - how they figured that out, who knows 

probably all true  -  No where is going to nice soon ....I know 7-11's in LA are all playing classical music pretty loud outside, apparently keeps the homeless away  - how they figured that out, who knows 
1994/1995 they were doing that outside of the Chief/7-11 in "the hood", and it worked surprisingly well....  guess the hood rats don't like beethovin, enough to go somewhere else..  LOL 

1994/1995 they were doing that outside of the Chief/7-11 in "the hood", and it worked surprisingly well....  guess the hood rats don't like beethovin, enough to go somewhere else..  LOL 
Hope the music works. San Diego has always been my families favorite place. Used to take kids over and would stay a month in summer. Both ended up having their weddings there. One at the beach, and one at the Dell. Wife and I still like to go at least once a year for a visit. Used to stay at the rv park in Chulla Vista, by the marina. Now stay at the new place just north, off end of e-street.
