Wife's Rossi vs Colts experience.

Dive Bar Casanova

Active member
Jul 25, 2021
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Wife and her GFs pack .38's. 

A nurse got off shift at her hospital and waiting for the bus out front got robbed and murdered. But that's a different thread.

Wifie and her GF's like the Colts .38's but the Rossi 5 shot .38  fits their feminine hands better, slimmer, it's their favorite. Just, pull point and shoot. No shifting into gear like with her auto 9's. So that's that.

The Colts no issue when always at the ready. The Rossi's have had to be oil and maybe fired often or the firing mechanism seizes.  Damfino, maybe cheap-O metal in the schism. They are properly maintained and stored, just have to be diligent with the Rossi's maintenance. Ya gotta use it.

We RV camp on Jean Dry Lake when in 'Vegas and the girls blast away at the hillside at the emergency landing strip/range. Lots of shooting spots and good trails to ride the Can Ams out there.

The girls then take their dogs and head into Vegas to Cabellas/Bass Pro to buy ammo and chick stuff. 

Last several times the upstairs AMMO sales have always been packed with women customers buying ammo.

More girls packing than ya might think.

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I'd like to get the :wife: a quality 38 special revolver, but not sure what would fit her best. Trying out a few would be ideal.

The ability to conceal and having enough power, but not so much recoil is ideal to me.

My wife has a charter arms 2” undercover lite 38+p. Its a great peace. I also have a s&w air lite .22 2” and i prefer the charter arms (better shooter better trigger) 

Ouch! I've got an LCP Max .380 and it is so light that it kicks a lot more than the LCR .38 +P for sure. The 9mm has to be even zippier. I've found the LCR to be quite a bit easier to be accurate with, too (although that's obviously a relative term with all of these options).

I was going to say that one advantage of the LCP is that Sneaky Pete makes a cool holster for it, but I just checked and they also make one for the LCR. The alligator option looks pretty darn nice. Guess I have an order to place...


Ouch! I've got an LCP Max .380 and it is so light that it kicks a lot more than the LCR .38 +P for sure. The 9mm has to be even zippier. I've found the LCR to be quite a bit easier to be accurate with, too (although that's obviously a relative term with all of these options).

I was going to say that one advantage of the LCP is that Sneaky Pete makes a cool holster for it, but I just checked and they also make one for the LCR. The alligator option looks pretty darn nice. Guess I have an order to place...

Have the LCP Max as well, Not a fan of shooting it but I carry it on hikes / rides cause its so light. Trying to talk my wife into carrying a S A Hellcat as that's my go to for conceal carry myself. 

I'd like to get the :wife: a quality 38 special revolver, but not sure what would fit her best. Trying out a few would be ideal.
When I was looking for a handgun I went to all of the local ranges and shot damn near every handgun they had.  It was a great way to get a feel for each of their characteristics.   

Ouch! I've got an LCP Max .380 and it is so light that it kicks a lot more than the LCR .38 +P for sure. The 9mm has to be even zippier. I've found the LCR to be quite a bit easier to be accurate with, too (although that's obviously a relative term with all of these options).

I was going to say that one advantage of the LCP is that Sneaky Pete makes a cool holster for it, but I just checked and they also make one for the LCR. The alligator option looks pretty darn nice. Guess I have an order to place...

I carry an LCP often too, but I put a pocket clip on it.  It passes a knife if you aren't really paying attention.

