What’s the skinny on PBS transmissions?

OK, hang on a minute......  so the thing I take out in the desert & beat the crap out of repeatedly is not going to last forever????  DAMM.......  LOL. 

OK, hang on a minute......  so the thing I take out in the desert & beat the crap out of repeatedly is not going to last forever????  DAMM.......  LOL. 
Maybe your missing the point? I completely understand it’s going to break. So it’s smart to buy a car for let’s say $18k and plan on dropping another $8k-$9k in it down the road? I mean why not just buy one with the 2d already, expect it’s going to brake also, but only drop a couple grand to fix the trans that is repairable? Yes you will pay a few grand more for the upfront purchase of the car but it saves the hassle. Why not buy a car with a built bus knowing it ain’t gonna last for even less money? I mean if you want a project, at least you can sell the bus box to recoupe some money.

I get it, I was just being a smart a55, based on Sean's comment.  

IMO, your asking all of the right questions, and trying to make the best decision based on those inputs.  

Everything wears out at some point, even cases/housings. Factor that into your decision when looking at cars with obsolete gearboxes.
So what is the situation on parts for Mendeolas? Be nice to hear from the source and not the rumor mill. 

Lots of parts already sold and on backorder, just can't make them fast enough. Demand doubled and production capacity dropped. Not much more to say other than we appreciate your patience and we will get parts back in stock, just need to work on increasing production capacity to meet demand which takes time.

Crazy times.  

Maybe your missing the point? I completely understand it’s going to break. So it’s smart to buy a car for let’s say $18k and plan on dropping another $8k-$9k in it down the road? I mean why not just buy one with the 2d already, expect it’s going to brake also, but only drop a couple grand to fix the trans that is repairable? Yes you will pay a few grand more for the upfront purchase of the car but it saves the hassle. Why not buy a car with a built bus knowing it ain’t gonna last for even less money? I mean if you want a project, at least you can sell the bus box to recoupe some money.
If you feel like the car is worth the investment, you can take the PBS trans and convert it to the Weddle trans for about $5k in parts required (this does not cover any labor or other parts that need to be replaced based on wear). Then that car will be good to have fun with for many years until you are ready to move on.

We have invested far too much into this Mendeola to Weddle program to let it die off, we are committed to keeping these going. Our betterment of the entire program has caught up with us in a hurry, we certainly did not foresee this kind of demand. 

If you feel like the car is worth the investment, you can take the PBS trans and convert it to the Weddle trans for about $5k in parts required (this does not cover any labor or other parts that need to be replaced based on wear). Then that car will be good to have fun with for many years until you are ready to move on.
Are all those parts in stock?

Always best to shoot me a direct e-mail or phone call to check current availability. 
Checking for the masses.  No skin in this one. 

You recommended an "upgrade" prior to use, but it appears you couldn't fulfil that order if it came through the door.

The reason I don't give an availability answer here is because inventory quantities are changing daily, almost hourly. If I post that we have everything in stock today, there is a good chance that we will be out of something by next week at the rate we are selling these.

I have already learned that posting certain things here will come back to bite me in the ass. I'll keep my postings here relegated to general answers only.
