What size wheels to sell a truck

She misses it, as does your mechanic (or parts warehouse and VAG tool rental company if DIY), but do you? :biggrin:
No I do not miss it. Put a water pump on that car and what a pain in the ass that was.

I think an old school set of weld super singles would be sik on that truck.

She sure is purdy..

I think an old school set of weld super singles would be sik on that truck.

She sure is purdy..



Yeah, 10 or 12-in rims. You just can't beat the deep polish and look of a (old school) weld rim.  I see these newer rims out today and they either look dull or they look too shiny and fake. I have a little collection of weld rims, one set for every vehicle and trailers.. 😂

if im going that direction, Im going straight to this.  In my head nothing said race car like the auto drag. 

Dunno why for sure, but I never liked the Weld wheel. 


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& FWIW, I didnt think you could make a Rally wheel any better, but the 16" with some nice radials (on a car not a truck) is a bitchen combination. 

Chrome without the becauty ring with the center cap!!! 


If it was my truck, I would throw a set of Halibrands on it...and keep it!

Sell it as is...someone will most likely wanna put their own spin on the truck anyways.


Is there a fake one?  Or are they copy cats like the craiger version of the auto drag??? 

Is there a fake one?  Or are they copy cats like the craiger version of the auto drag??? 
Yes there are knockoffs. The 62 has knockoff Halibrand's.  At some point not to far off this car is going to get a set of Forgeline GT3Cs in 18" diameter. https://forgeline.com/wheel/gt3c-concave  Center will be Hampton gold like this example. (Different 1 piece wheel shown just for the color) Outer Rim will be polished. Back rim will be Misty Rootbeer like the chassis and a bunch of the parts. So 3 colors in the 3 piece wheel. 



