What do you think these UFOs are?

What if we here on earth are like a younger brother to a bigger picture. 

The things the pilots see could be drones to monitor the younger brother that is doing the biden kid thing with the crack pipe sleeping. 

Why wouldn't the drone interact and help? Or kill us now? It looks like old school pilots who saw weird stuff and were scared to speak out might finally get some redemption inside their own heads.
The general theory from a physics standpoint is; any extra terrestrial craft would likely  be autonomous or a “drone”. Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, and at the distances some of these other potential life holding galaxies are from earth, it would take thousands of years at the speed of light to make it to earth. The only hope for living tissue to make a journey like that is string theory, and the ability to bend space/time, which is theoretically possible. Like the interviewee said, im hope we see a great breakthrough in my life time in the field of string theory or blackhole theory. There is still so much about life and the cosmos we dont comprehend. There could be life beyond our solar system that is a completely different form than what we currently understand or comprehend

The older the sightings, the more i would believe it to be not from earth. But you would have to guess why? Alien drone floats around over the ocean. Only seen by pilots. Never happens in a busy city with 1000s of cell phones ready. Why would an alien drone act in that manner? I dont see it gaining useful info. 

Although after i typed that i just realized. If alien life is traveling planet to planet they would want to know the defense capabilities of our best weapons. A fighter jet is some of the best we got. 
Maybe they’re just Effing with us…? :biggrin:

10 hours ago, ANGRYBUTTCRACK said:

If there is intelligent life, why are they just checking us out and not trying to make contact (or destroy)? .. maybe they figure, they can just wait.. maybe it has to do with Skynet!... they wan wait as they see we'll just blow each other up eventually.. nukes brah... 


Imagine being an intelligent life form and watching several episodes of Jerry Springer or The View being broadcasted from a planet that you think might contain intelligent life.

I picture them rolling up the windows and telling the kids they're driving through the wrong part of town.
