What do you think these UFOs are?


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May 5, 2021
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Listened to this whole thing yesterday. He said that his model of fighter jet was made with a certain radar. But plumbed to be fitted with the newer system later. He said its common for pilots to fly different planes with the different radar systems even on the same day. 

The old radar couldnt see these UFOs. But the new radar does. So what do you think they are and was it built on earth?


I think these objects are built here and military related. Also think its our military. 

Will listen to it, 

but i can say, i’ve see  the things the navy released. Saw one as recent as in the last 30 days. I and all my friends also saw something once over palo verde/blythe it was massive and i cannot imagine it being from earth. And it disappeared as fast as it appeared, but was visible for about 10 minutes. When i disappeared fighter jets were flying towards it full afterburner from yuma. 

I believe in a never ending universe there has to be other “life” perhaps even in a form we are not able to comprehend. The idea of string theory leads to the possibility of extra stellar travel. 

Im with hawking and others though in thinking that extra planetary life most likely would not be kind to us

Will listen to it, 

but i can say, i’ve see  the things the navy released. Saw one as recent as in the last 30 days. I and all my friends also saw something once over palo verde/blythe it was massive and i cannot imagine it being from earth. And it disappeared as fast as it appeared, but was visible for about 10 minutes. When i disappeared fighter jets were flying towards it full afterburner from yuma. 

I believe in a never ending universe there has to be other “life” perhaps even in a form we are not able to comprehend. The idea of string theory leads to the possibility of extra stellar travel. 

Im with hawking and others though in thinking that extra planetary life most likely would not be kind to us
Columbus Day.

Except we're the Native Americans...

If there is intelligent life, why are they just checking us out and not trying to make contact (or destroy)? .. maybe they figure, they can just wait.. maybe it has to do with Skynet!... they wan wait as they see we'll just blow each other up eventually.. nukes brah... 


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Maybe there's millions if not billions of lifeforms in the Universe and we are not as unique or interesting as we think we are!

28 minutes ago, ANGRYBUTTCRACK said:

If there is intelligent life, why are they just checking us out and not trying to make contact (or destroy)? .. maybe they figure, they can just wait.. maybe it has to do with Skynet!... they wan wait as they see we'll just blow each other up eventually.. nukes brah... 


Probably stopping by to see if we're still a mudball covered in monkeys, seeing that we still are, and GTFO ASAP since who wants to deal with a mudball full of ruhtards...?


That, or they're staying just long enough to download all of the latest reality TV shows and, again, GTFO ASAP.

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Next, Next, Next Gen Drones.... AI incorporated into them...Think F22 on steriods...the  black bag guys are  just messing with the active duty guys....See our chit is better than yours.... they can do things that would kill a pilot.....

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Haven’t watched the video yet but caught this thing near my house a couple weeks back. It just hovered there for about 20 minutes changing its shape. then shot up really high in the sky for a bit and then came back down. Finally just took off. Batteries in my good camera were dead so only shot I got of it was with my phone. 

Wife did a YouTube search and this is exactly what we saw. These hosts are goofballs but you get the idea. 


Most are light or atmospheric conditions, many are camera issues due the CCD technology and the way interpolation happens in the algorithm.  Many newer IR and high speed cameras get messed up from magnetic field issues around the earth due to being very sensitive (its constantly changing)

That being said I saw one in the wee hours driving from LV to LA almost 20 years  - it was real and I still cannot explain it 

But ultimately  Fermi is probably right ....


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I know this sounds crazy But Jetjock on the board is a Fighter pilot, and he has told me stories of what he has seen over the years, stuff that almost touch his fighter jet, and he said it was not made from this earth, and hours of debrief after he landed,   

About 35 years ago as a kid I did 7 day raft trip down the Colorado river with my Grandfather. It was two rafts with about 12 per raft. On the second night our guide was pointing and showing us stars. He then pointed out a satellite and was explaining how some fly over N-S and then some E-W and how he could time them. I’d never seen one before as it’s not dark enough at home, and I just never paid attention. 

On the 4th or 5th night several of us, me being the only kid on the trip, we’re looking up and sure enough we see a satellite go by. It was then timed as we knew another one would fly over at a certain time. Not surprisingly we see another one but it was noticeably brighter, and looked slightly closer. But going the same speed as the satellites. Then this “satellite “ abruptly takes a 90 degree hard left turn. Not a sweeping turn. It was a hard 90. It never change speeds and just kept going. At first we were like what the heck was that? Then everyone was giving their thoughts. Even people were suggesting Area 51 military stuff, but nothing could do what we saw. 

Next morning one of the lady’s asked our guide about what we saw and explained it to him. He said he’s never seen that in all his years, but another guide he knows claimed to see the same thing happen multiple times during a trip down the river. Our guide said he chocked it up to two satellites crossing paths at the same time giving his friend the illusion it was turning. But there were 5-6 of us this night that all saw the same thing and no one saw or suggested two satellites crossed paths. Out of 6 of us, someone would have noticed that. None of the 6 accepted that might be what we saw. Plus it was brighter, and either larger or closer then the previous satellites. 

The last few nights in the canyon everyone was watching stars & satellites and we never saw what we saw that night. 

I know this sounds crazy But Jetjock on the board is a Fighter pilot, and he has told me stories of what he has seen over the years, stuff that almost touch his fighter jet, and he said it was not made from this earth, and hours of debrief after he landed,   
My grandfather was a pilot for the Navy, he had a whole mess of them too.  There was NO DOUBT in his mind there are UFO's, he has flown with them on his wing. 

My grandfather was a pilot for the Navy, he had a whole mess of them too.  There was NO DOUBT in his mind there are UFO's, he has flown with them on his wing. 
Jetjock said it was like out of a sify movie, and it went around is Fighter in seconds like it was scanning him, then dipped into the ocean without even a ripple of water moving, 

This he said happened to him, in different parts of the world, multiple times,  

He also said that, he was not scared of a World war 3 or nuclear attack or a terrorist attacking, But a attack from something not from this planet, they have no defenses for, 

It was a very interesting conversation. 

The older the sightings, the more i would believe it to be not from earth. But you would have to guess why? Alien drone floats around over the ocean. Only seen by pilots. Never happens in a busy city with 1000s of cell phones ready. Why would an alien drone act in that manner? I dont see it gaining useful info. 

Although after i typed that i just realized. If alien life is traveling planet to planet they would want to know the defense capabilities of our best weapons. A fighter jet is some of the best we got. 

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I "dont" see it gaining useful info. 

Best we "got". 


That was dumb i made some spelling errors where it matters. 

What if we here on earth are like a younger brother to a bigger picture. 

The things the pilots see could be drones to monitor the younger brother that is doing the biden kid thing with the crack pipe sleeping. 

Why wouldn't the drone interact and help? Or kill us now? It looks like old school pilots who saw weird stuff and were scared to speak out might finally get some redemption inside their own heads.

In the interview above the pilot gets asked what he thinks? He made a good point. 

If humans could manipulate gravity and do what the object does on the radar. (assuming you believe the radar to be true)

That technology would hold so much power and money it would be implemented into our daily amazon buying lives. 

JetJock is still a Pilot, I dont think he wants to spend 8 hours with the CIA, and other Branches for Fun, He says it defines the law of physics,  Who really knows what out there, but it is interesting to think about, 

About 35 years ago as a kid I did 7 day raft trip down the Colorado river with my Grandfather. It was two rafts with about 12 per raft. On the second night our guide was pointing and showing us stars. He then pointed out a satellite and was explaining how some fly over N-S and then some E-W and how he could time them. I’d never seen one before as it’s not dark enough at home, and I just never paid attention. 

On the 4th or 5th night several of us, me being the only kid on the trip, we’re looking up and sure enough we see a satellite go by. It was then timed as we knew another one would fly over at a certain time. Not surprisingly we see another one but it was noticeably brighter, and looked slightly closer. But going the same speed as the satellites. Then this “satellite “ abruptly takes a 90 degree hard left turn. Not a sweeping turn. It was a hard 90. It never change speeds and just kept going. At first we were like what the heck was that? Then everyone was giving their thoughts. Even people were suggesting Area 51 military stuff, but nothing could do what we saw. 

Next morning one of the lady’s asked our guide about what we saw and explained it to him. He said he’s never seen that in all his years, but another guide he knows claimed to see the same thing happen multiple times during a trip down the river. Our guide said he chocked it up to two satellites crossing paths at the same time giving his friend the illusion it was turning. But there were 5-6 of us this night that all saw the same thing and no one saw or suggested two satellites crossed paths. Out of 6 of us, someone would have noticed that. None of the 6 accepted that might be what we saw. Plus it was brighter, and either larger or closer then the previous satellites. 

The last few nights in the canyon everyone was watching stars & satellites and we never saw what we saw that night. 
A month or so ago i was laying out on my deck around 1am looking at the stars and directly over me i saw a faint light like a strobe light. It flashed on then off real quick. A few minutes later it did it again. Then another in another spot. And yet another in a different spot. I googled it, and the phenomenon is explained as light reflecting from the panel of an out of control tumbling satellite, but this couldn't be because its trajectory would be a major zigzag. And supposedly typically a single flash is visible. It was very wierd. 

Now what i saw at the river 20 years ago was pretty crazy and my most hard to explain thing i’ve seen (and 10-15 other people saw it. 

It was a large cigar shaped object. It was dark. But had light comming off of each end which i perceived as light reflecting off it from the city below it. We were about 20 miles south of blythe and it was just after sunset. You could see the shape and outline of the object, and at 20 miles away it was massive. It was just hovering over blythe. We watched it freaking out for about 10 minutes and then it blitzed away instantly. After that we could hear jets flying directly overhead from the south with full afterburner, flame out the back, they converged with other jets from the north west and turned to the heading the thing went away in.
