Upgrading from 27 spline to 33 spline microstubs

May 11, 2021
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Looking for info on upgrading from 27 spline to 33 spline microstubs, anyone done this? Is it simply just replacing the 27 spline bearings and stubs with 33’s or will I run into issues with brake rotor offset etc?

Unfortunately the hubs are older and don’t have a brand name on them so I don’t have much to go off of in that aspect, but thinking if we’re already replacing bearings and stubs it may be worth it to upgrade to stronger stubs.
It’s generally just the unit bearing and stub that has to be replaced. You’ll need to measure the hole to know which unit bearing you need.
It’s generally just the unit bearing and stub that has to be replaced. You’ll need to measure the hole to know which unit bearing you need.
Adding to this ..
the unit bearings offset are all the same - all 27 splines I know of use a 3.60 DIA bearing - and 33 splines come in the same size. The other concern is the size of the bolt pattern ( where the b=rake hub mounts) 27's came in 5 on 4 1/2 or 5 on 4 3/4 you just have to match the ones you have. The stub axles vary in "depth" of the cup so this could affect axle length but this is usually just a matter of picking the right pieces
its usually a straightforward albeit expensive switch over

If you want to know which to get DM me pics with dimensions (tape measure is fine) and I'll match them up
or call me in the shop during the week and I can steer you to the right pieces if you want to sahop them. 619 691 9171 and I can even get you all the pieces
Thanks for the info! I’ll do some measuring when I get back out in the shop!

Looks like another issue we may run in to is the standard vs midboard micro stub setups. These areas have the midboard style mounting plates and all kartek has for 3.60 opening is for the standard style plates.

I doubt you have Mid-Board Microstubs if yours are 27 spline since no one ever made those. The difference between the Mid Board and Regular is the placement of the caliper in that picture - if your hub is deep and caliper is placed back its a Midboard - if the caliper is even with the surface the Unit bearing mounts to its regular. The only popular midboard Microstubs are ProAm and all theirs are 3.90 bearing size and 33 spline that I know of.. Mid Board Microstubs also use a different micro stub - its much shallower than the regular microstub