UAP hearings


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2021
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They basically disclosed the existence of some type of alien or interdimensional beings living in our oceans and the the world is like šŸ˜‘.
This should be the biggest story of our lifetime.
Also confirmed we had crash crafts and beings.

I was talking with my daughter today about it and she basically confirmed a lot of pilots see stuff they can't explain.
Here is a pic over the ocean on the way Europe, her friend had no idea what it could be.1000005664.png
Pics or it didn't happen.
The grainy, black & white, vague footage isn't cutting it these days.
When the government seems to lie, more than tell the truth, no wonder no one cares or believes.
Super cool and interesting.

The Truth is out there..
I think it's time for a real life Close Encounters of the Third Kind. That would put the icing on the cake of a crazy wild political and military year.
@Stugots My brother is an airline capt. Over 30 years. Heā€™s seen wierd stuff but isn't ready to call it aliens. One thing to consider tooā€¦ every airline pilots biggest fear is medical ineligibility. They are all required to meet very strict vision, physical and MENTAL health standards. Anyone that starts poppin off about aliens will get grounded pretty quick
I'll finally be able to share a little of what I've been carrying around for years!
From a physic's standpoint. Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Any habitable planet (which is more likely than not that others exist) would be hundreds of light years away. For anything to possibly travel the speed of light with our current understanding of physics it would have to be incredibly small. But at that any life form would have to live hundreds to thousands of years. So anything extra stellar would likely be a drone (if possible).
The only possible way for carbon based lifeforms to travel from the far reaches of our galaxy or from outside it would be based in string theory (bending of space) or the theory of multidimensional space (hyperspace) and being able to pass through parallel dimensions.

All really interesting stuff.
Trust the science? Its changing all the time.
From a physic's standpoint. Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Any habitable planet (which is more likely than not that others exist) would be hundreds of light years away. For anything to possibly travel the speed of light with our current understanding of physics it would have to be incredibly small. But at that any life form would have to live hundreds to thousands of years. So anything extra stellar would likely be a drone (if possible).
The only possible way for carbon based lifeforms to travel from the far reaches of our galaxy or from outside it would be based in string theory (bending of space) or the theory of multidimensional space (hyperspace) and being able to pass through parallel dimensions.

All really interesting stuff.
Trust the science? Its changing all the time.
I'll bite...

"That we are Earth know of..."

Man is pretty arrogant. We assume we are the smartest beings in the universe. I tend to disagree. Just because we haven't invented it or know about it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We still "discover" elements and such on this planet that we have no explanation for. For instance, Google "manganese nodules" We've known about these for decades but have no real explanation or really even know how to use these. They were covered in the 1996 UN Conference on Law of the Sea.

I'll bite...

"That we are Earth know of..."
Man is pretty arrogant. We assume we are the smartest beings in the universe.
I tend to disagree. Just because we haven't invented it or know about it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We still "discover" elements and such on this planet that we have no explanation for. For instance, Google "manganese nodules" We've known about these for decades but have no real explanation or really even know how to use these. They were covered in the 1996 UN Conference on Law of the Sea.

ill second the bite RE: Man is pretty arrogant. We assume we are the smartest beings in the universe.

science..... it was only a few centuries ago we thought everything revolved around the earth....
there are more stars in the universe then there are grains of sand on this earth!
our solar system travels through space around the Milkyway's center at 500,000mph and at that speed it only takes 250,000,000 years to make 1 revolution!
there are estimated over 100,000,000 black holes just in our galaxy alone
how come after 14,000,000,000 years the universe is still expanding, actually accelerating?

Just because man thinks there is nothing faster than the speed of light, doesnt mean anything based on the above info
there is someone who knows a lot more than we do
If you were to build a model of the known universe to scale that was the size of the Continental United States. To find the Earth would be like finding a grain of sand in the parking lot in a Wendy's someplace in the middle of Luisiana. So, I am not saying they are not out there, but how lucky do you have to be to find us.
I'll bite...

"That we are Earth know of..."

Man is pretty arrogant. We assume we are the smartest beings in the universe. I tend to disagree. Just because we haven't invented it or know about it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We still "discover" elements and such on this planet that we have no explanation for. For instance, Google "manganese nodules" We've known about these for decades but have no real explanation or really even know how to use these. They were covered in the 1996 UN Conference on Law of the Sea.

Completely agree. And no one really understands ā€œintelligenceā€. We are nearly identical to primates from a dna standpoint 98-99% shared dna. Yet you can never teach a primate to do math. We are infinitely more technologicallt advanced than primates. There is absolutely a possibility there are beings with 1% of our dna or even 100% different that are exponentially more advanced. They could possible bend space or travel between parallel dimensions
If you were to build a model of the known universe to scale that was the size of the Continental United States. To find the Earth would be like finding a grain of sand in the parking lot in a Wendy's someplace in the middle of Luisiana. So, I am not saying they are not out there, but how lucky do you have to be to find us.
In an infinite universe with infinite time EVERYTHING is possible. The universe is not infinite though. Even stars die. At some point it is inevitable it Will all end in the reverse order of how it began. Dust to dust
In an infinite universe with infinite time EVERYTHING is possible. The universe is not infinite though. Even stars die. At some point it is inevitable it Will all end in the reverse order of how it began. Dust to dust
Multiverses.... Where ours ends, another begins..
Multiverses.... Where ours ends, another begins..
Yes. We can comprehend 3 demensions. The current belief is time is the 4th dimension and leads to infinite parallel universes. Super interesting stuff. Im too dumb to really comprehend it. Most physicists and scientists have one thing in common having read many different pieces by different scientists. They are all extremely arrogant, narcissistic, and close minded to outside thinking. Stephen hawking especially. Read some of his books its comes across pretty hard
I think you guys are not taking lizard people into consideration.
I think you guys are not taking lizard people into consideration.
Anything is possible. Would be pretty arrogant to dismiss something just because you haven't experienced it. Im not a lizard or religious person. But i dont discount the possibility of either.
When it comes to things in the sky that cant be explained iā€™ve seen something once that cannot be explained away. It wasnt small it was massive. And 20 other people were with me and saw it too. All i know is i dont know what it was; but nothing i know of that is man made is that big and flies
I think certain parts of society make the unexplainable a joke because they are uncomfortable or scared to admit they dont know or that it is possible. Weā€™ve seen over the past 4 years how lying media can persuade the public