Twisted Tin Sand Cars


New member
Jun 24, 2022
I am thinking about buying a this Twisted Tin car. Has anybody heard of them? Also how is the build quality? Or any other info about them would be greatly appreciated.




It's a 2006 has an ls with a broken Weizmann trans. That is about all he has listed in the add.

I cant tell you much about the car but i had Brandon the owner of twisted tin do aluminum work on 2 of my old cars. First one was actually before twisted tin, he was partners in fastco sandcars  then he split off and started twisted tin. I was always happy with his work. 

All the Weizmann transaxle i have seen have been street trans, not sure what it would cost to fix, and then the resale of the car, I would stick with a car with a Weddle, Mendi, fortin, Albins.  

The car to me with a broken non sand car transaxle and race runners, would have to be around $14K 

I was also looking at this car he says its been sitting awhile and fuel pump is leaking. To me that means its sat awhile and will need some seals and gaskets as well. Shocks probably need to be rebuild. But just transaxle alone will cost 10 grand plus. New mendi which is all thats out their at a resonable price is 7400 and about 4 to 6 months out and used ones are selling for that. Then you need clutch starter bellhiusing and possibly axles. Thats if you can fabricate and make the trans mounts. Nice car but you better plan on putting another 15k into the car just to get it ready to dune. The weismann thats in it has no parts available to fix it.

Twisted Tin, Brandon Briscoe. lives in Utah now. He is one damn good fabricator. He finished my first Sand Limo (bought it as a roller, not tabbed for motor or trans). I've worked with him on other projects as well. 

He is still building, just not sandcars now. brandontwistedtin on Instagram

I'd be hesitant about the trans but not the car, of course you have to inspect the frame, anything can break.  

My first car was a twisted tin… great car, handled really well. Like everyone else mentioned, factor in the trans swap into the purchase price. I’d also pay extra attention to the rear torsion tube… I had mine sheet off right next to the rear trailing arm mounts. I had mine completely remodeled after that with a new body etc. 



I have bought older cars before, be cautious of a lot of maintenance. Brakes, shocks, wiring, fluids, if it has a fuel cell- old foam, CV's Ect. I would plan on going through the car 100% or you are likely going to have a lot of gremlins.  

It looks like someone bought it the ad was down today. If someone on here got it good luck to you. It looked like a nice car other than trans issue

I bought the car…. Stumbled on this page looking to get more info on it… I ended up picking up a freshly rebuilt Mendeola 2d for $6,500 now I’m waiting for the end of august to take it to AG sand cars so he can hopefully get it fabricated for this tranny and get it ready for Halloween…. Time & Money will tell! 
