Trip report: Calico 01/20-23

LOL, I know that shrine spot. (one of your pics looked like the view from there) We had friends that we went with and they had been there so they showed us. We hung out for while, didn't disturb anything and went on our way. We were a large group (kids from 10 to grandparents to 78 or so) of quads with one rhino, one bike....the idea was to loop the mountains and get back to camp. Well we got lost like a mofo. Bike rider went ahead to look for a way out when our trail started getting iffy and never came back. His wife if freaking, then the rhino breaks a tie rod. I finally found a way out that was a canyon that emptied onto Fort Irwin road. We were riding double, towing quads and had to leave the rhino behind. We returned to the rhino with the owners truck (@nickman123) only to find that the keys had been left back at camp. The plan was to use some engine power to get it up the ramps while controlling that loose wheel. We muscled it in and got back safely. At any rate, I kept thinking of that Brady Bunch episode when they had all the bad luck because of that idol he had........I figured one of the kids must've grabbed something from that cave! And the guy at on the bike was at camp when we got there. He said there was no way to get back to us the way he came, it was too knarly.
Funny, we got lost coming back from it too and ended up by Fort Irwin road. We then bush whacked till we ended up in some lady's property and she came running out of trailer home in her Moo Moo shouting obscenities at us. We high tailed it out of there, Well my friends did, I was in my rhino so I was looking in the rear view mirror thinking she's gaining on me. :laugh1:    and finally ended up over by the Ghost town.


That was another epic trip!

Funny, I haven't been out there for 30 years riding, but all my friends that go out there seem to get lost a lot................seems to be a trend?

For those that "Know Calico", when does the weather out there start getting too warm? Easy OHV access coming and going from the Ghost Town Cabins? Could be cool to try that once and really see the little town and ride, just something different.

Looks like anything past the month of May would be a "No" for us. :sun:

Calico - Weather averages

Month    High / Low(°F)    Rain

April        78° / 51°            0 days

May         88° / 59°           0 days

June        98° / 67°           0 days

July         104° / 74°          1 day

We went in April, was bitter cold at night and 50s during the day. It’s a crap shoot, but past May would be spur of the moment “weather looks good, let’s riiiiiiiiiiiiip” type thing, just like Glamis.

Ghost town to OHV area is easy. Dry camping dispersed or in the park? 

Yeah typical desert heat from April thru September.

Yes SUPER EASY access in/out of the park from cabins, RV spaces to the trail systems. They actually have a OHV IN/OUT lane.

Dry camping is also easy from Mule Canyon Rd

We were there last Tuesday, it was WINDY AF! 70+ easy... have fun and stay safe
