Tonneau Covers


Aug 13, 2021
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Looking to get a tonneau cover for my truck. Who has one? What do you like and dislike about it?  What brands are good? 

i have had the roll up hard cover aluminum type and had no issues with it other than the aluminum was painted black and weather faded after a few years and pretty impossible to repaint. takes up some space because the drum rolls up into a box. retrax was that brand. its on my sons truck now and still works fine.

i had a peragon model, very nice, but hard to adjust, you push down on one panel and it kinda folds up against the front of the bed. very nice but didn't care for it.

what year truck? id' look on market place, no need to buy new they are way cheaper used lol. you never get your money out of them

I have the Retrax roll up cover.  I like it because it does not need anything on the tailgate to latch or connect to and is held on by clamps no drilling at all.    When rolled up there is nothing in the way on the tailgate.  I did have to make a custom diesel tank to accommodate the roll up box.  But its nice to have a rain/wind proof cover over the bed when not using the fifth wheel. 


I had a factory hard tri-fold that gave good protection but I hated using it. It was heavy flipping the folds back and almost a two person lift to remove it. The seals were cracking after 2 years. My next truck had a factory tri-fold soft top. Much lighter and easier to use and remove. It was a better tool all around though could have been sliced through fairly easily. 

what's the end use? protection of valuables, looks, neither lol. 

my buddy had the trifold set up and liked it well because it would fold up against the rear window and gave him full use of the bed if he needed it.

however hail did a number on it, but you may not have that issue where your at

I love my Bakflip mx4 …. Only thing is that it does let a little water in when it rains, but the benefits and convenience far outweigh negatives. Their warranty service it awesome too. It doesn’t take up hardly any of the bed when it’s folded all the way up against the back window. Easy to remove too if you need to for any reason. 

Buddy has a soft rollup cover and it's actually pretty good.  It's a little fiddly compared to the tri-fold style ones, but the cross bars and fulcrum section at the end means its always tight and straight with minimal effort.  Nice thing is if you need the WHOLE bed (even the soft tri-folds still take up a little space for things like refrigerators shoved against the back of the bed), you can just toss it in the cab.

They're also waaaaay facking cheap.

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I have a roll up - dont know he brand but it leaks like a sieve! I like it for out of sight out of mind but the tailgate handle lock stopped working so nothing is locked in there.

It was on the truck when I got it. 

I have a buddy that had one and the strap you use to pull it closed wasn't secured, he had it open while driving and it blew down between the bed and cab and got wrapped around the drive shaft! It pulled so hard that it dented the top of the bed. 

I have mine tied to the factory loop near the back corner of the bed.

The water leaking is a PITA

I had the Backflip mx4 on my last truck and liked it. Now I’ve got the Retrax roll up cover on my new truck. The Retrax one is awesome, and real easy to open and close and is heavy duty as far as bed covers go. Also with the Retrax I can fit dirt bikes with the tailgate closed in my long bed even with the canister taking up space which is nice.

As far as water infiltration, both covers leaked a little at the bed rails if real heavy washing or rain happens which I’m okay with vs no cover at all.

I have a roll up - dont know he brand but it leaks like a sieve! I like it for out of sight out of mind but the tailgate handle lock stopped working so nothing is locked in there.

It was on the truck when I got it. 

I have a buddy that had one and the strap you use to pull it closed wasn't secured, he had it open while driving and it blew down between the bed and cab and got wrapped around the drive shaft! It pulled so hard that it dented the top of the bed. 

I have mine tied to the factory loop near the back corner of the bed.

The water leaking is a PITA
Guys with bedliners have had to replace the adhesive on the weather seals with 3M or Gorilla brand adhesive.  The one it comes with is apparently too thin to get into the texture.  

43 minutes ago, Rockwood said:

Buddy has a soft rollup cover and it's actually pretty good.  It's a little fiddly compared to the tri-fold style ones, but the cross bars and fulcrum section at the end means its always tight and straight with minimal effort.  Nice thing is if you need the WHOLE bed (even the soft tri-folds still take up a little space for things like refrigerators shoved against the back of the bed), you can just toss it in the cab.

i have this one on my truck. my truck is mainly just a glamis truck i dont drive much otherwise so i didnt want to keep having to remove the 5th wheel hitch. got one of these on a black friday sale for around $250. my trailer doesnt have a fuel station so i still take a bunch of bottles so i needed to be about to have something that moves out of the way for the gas bottles. so far no issues, very easy to install have not had any leaks. since its soft when it rains there will be a little puddle of water on the top. i would say there are only two draw backs. when its rolled up its a little harder to see the 5th wheel hitch when attaching the trailer i have to kinda stand up in the seat as im backing up and im not short. and then driving it either needs to be on or off you cant really drive with it kinda rolled up if you just have something that needs to stick up out of the bed a little. 

I had the Backflip mx4 on my last truck and liked it. Now I’ve got the Retrax roll up cover on my new truck. The Retrax one is awesome, and real easy to open and close and is heavy duty as far as bed covers go. Also with the Retrax I can fit dirt bikes with the tailgate closed in my long bed even with the canister taking up space which is nice.

As far as water infiltration, both covers leaked a little at the bed rails if real heavy washing or rain happens which I’m okay with vs no cover at all.
are you able to put the dirt bike tires against the canister or do you have to have a buffer of some sort. 

are you able to put the dirt bike tires against the canister or do you have to have a buffer of some sort. 
No buffer, I just snug the bikes right against the canister box. I see the metal flex slightly but it handles it just fine and isn’t bent or anything after 3 years of doing it

i have this one on my truck. my truck is mainly just a glamis truck i dont drive much otherwise so i didnt want to keep having to remove the 5th wheel hitch. got one of these on a black friday sale for around $250. my trailer doesnt have a fuel station so i still take a bunch of bottles so i needed to be about to have something that moves out of the way for the gas bottles. so far no issues, very easy to install have not had any leaks. since its soft when it rains there will be a little puddle of water on the top. i would say there are only two draw backs. when its rolled up its a little harder to see the 5th wheel hitch when attaching the trailer i have to kinda stand up in the seat as im backing up and im not short. and then driving it either needs to be on or off you cant really drive with it kinda rolled up if you just have something that needs to stick up out of the bed a little. 
On or off as in fully rolled up or locked in place, or removed and stowed in the truck?
