BW Willy
- May 5, 2021
- 91
- 99
Boxing? MMA? All have judges. Extend this to football, Basketball, Hockey - referees can and unfortunately do on occasion impact the score / winner.When did they add Skateboarding? What the Heck!!!
I've heard a theory that if you need a judge to tell you how good you did (like in Figure-Skating, Half-Pipe, Diving, Gymnastics, ETC), that it is not a real sport.
That theory is an interesting conversation starter but I'd disagree with the principle.
On to the subject of the Olympics - used to love it and was excited to watch it - even sports that I didn't really care about. The national pride, dedication and commitment of the athletes.....This year, I haven't watched one event. It's a shame that the actions of a few athletes and people have soured the whole event.
I went to the Winter Olympics in Calgary in 1988 and Winter Olympics in Vancouver in 2010 - absolutely amazing experiences. Each countries pride was spectacular. Hanging out in Olympic Village and partying with the Jamaica Bobsled Team was so cool - everyone was cheering for them even though they didn't have a chance / I love the underdog. I was in love with Katarina Witt (German figure skater) got to have a drink with her in the village. Eddie the Eagle ski jumper - spectacular for his crashes. Canada winning Gold in 2010 Hockey!
If you were alive and old enough - how could you not be moved by the USA beating the Russian's in hockey in 1980 then going on and winning the gold medal? The cold war, college kids against pro's from Russia - nobody thought the US had a chance. That brought an incredible amount of pride in the USA!!!
Unfortunately - not so much today.......