Tire Sealant, What’s the Latest?


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May 18, 2021
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I remember there used to be a couple good threads on here about bead sealers…. I used the alumaseal/antifreeze on my last set with some success, but not perfect. 

Just getting ready to mount new 35.5s and 12.50s and wondering what everyone is using to seal them up? And what mix of antifreeze/alumaseal if using that method. Thanks!


Staflo starch.

Cheap, easy, effective and washes out with water.  Causes no issues with corrosion or whatever.

I used the alumaseal/antifreeze for a few years. It would leak out at the beads when the tires were removed and stored under my car in my 5th wheel. When I swapped tires I went with Stay-Flo starch and never had a leak or problem again.  I used half a bottle of Stay-Flo per tire.

I'm still using the 50/50 mix of alumaseal and straight antifreeze. I tried sta-flo and had Crap results. Switch back to alumaseal and have no problems. The starch is all over my trailer floor, and it nasty. 

Sta-Flo here.  order online from Walmart or Amazon.  I just sealed up my paddles. 

I used berrymans and had pretty good results. Biggest issue I had was that it still leaks a bit and will leave residue on the garage floor.

I did the  alumaseal/antifreeze for years and it would leak a little. Switched to starch with no leaks and it works great. 

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Startch, as said above and 1/2 bottle per tire is good.

Either solution will leak out slowly over time.    You should plan on this when storing your tires.

I used the alumaseal combo last year and would still have leaks. I put a 1/2 quart of starch in each tire a month ago and haven't aired up since.

Either solution will leak out slowly over time.    You should plan on this when storing your tires.
I put Staflo in my paddles over 3 seasons ago, haven't put air in them since.

I’m a starch fan. I have seen the aluminum seal pit wheels but I am a fan of cleaning the wheels at the end of season 

Berrymans is great until it stains your garage floor when it leaks out.  Mine leaked a bit for three years on my garage floor until I took it apart and clean it all out, and that sucked as well.

Berrymans is great and @Grant@Funcoputs it in all their tires. If you use it and it leaks onto your floor it's time for new paddles because the tire sealant isn't working. I put 2 quarts per paddle and 1 quart per front tire. 

Berrymans is great until it stains your garage floor when it leaks out.  Mine leaked a bit for three years on my garage floor until I took it apart and clean it all out, and that sucked as well.
I had same issue. The Berrymans not only leaked but makes a god awful mess and stains everything. I switched to stayflo starch and no more leaks or mess. 
