The Motorcycle Ride

Super cool event that happened, but that drone video didn't capture very well. There are some others vids floating around.

But / always some Jackazz on a quad trying to be part of the group - happened at the 70 Regatta !!! Probably the same guy ! :)
Didn't even have the decency to rock a mullet either. What a dick.

Motorcycle ride:

Fuck. That. The amount of evasive action required for anyone involved for a group that large in a place that crowded. Nope.
I was trying to class up the joint.
Yes....we know........your presence is always looked forward by all to see and the sincere appreciation I have for you as an idol and inspirational individual supercedes any smart azz comments that may be misinturpeted.

Your awesomeness and radient personality trump anything!

I feel blessed to have you around ! TRUELY BLESSED !

JACKAZZZ !!!! Now quit messing up all the 70 and 2 wheeler rides you 4 wheelin fruitcake ! :)
Yes....we know........your presence is always looked forward by all to see and the sincere appreciation I have for you as an idol and inspirational individual supercedes any smart azz comments that may be misinturpeted.

Your awesomeness and radient personality trump anything!

I feel blessed to have you around ! TRUELY BLESSED !

JACKAZZZ !!!! Now quit messing up all the 70 and 2 wheeler rides you 4 wheelin fruitcake ! :)

You spelled "Truly" wrong.
I want to know how they spread the word about this, I wish I could of been there to join!