The Dumont crew goes to Glamis!


New member
May 6, 2021
Yo what's up fellow GD'rs! It's been a minute since I've come around.

I haven't been to G since about 2016/2017 so it was nice to be back and its always a great change of scenery.

I put together a video from our trip and thought I'd share it with you fine folks. Hope you enjoy!

Very cool video.  :thumb:

Those tiki huts have been gone for a year or so. Use to be a couple of them. 

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Very cool video.  :thumb:

Those tiki huts have been gone for a year or so. Use to be a couple of them. 
Thank you! 

Ok I kinda figured. That's too bad. It looked pretty cool from the pics I've seen. 


Great video, but your vids are always good.

Thanks for posting :cheers:

Great video! We also watched a few more. They look great on the TV and fun to watch. Learned a little about Dumont. Thanks. Now I need to get a GoPro! 

Just curious how it is mounted? Because it seems to keep the horizon level? And the car moves around vs a fixed mount. I haven't used a GoPro since probably the first one out 10+ years ago! :lol:  

Great video! We also watched a few more. They look great on the TV and fun to watch. Learned a little about Dumont. Thanks. Now I need to get a GoPro! 

Just curious how it is mounted? Because it seems to keep the horizon level? And the car moves around vs a fixed mount. I haven't used a GoPro since probably the first one out 10+ years ago! :lol:  
Thanks! It's hard mounted to the front of my roof. No gimbal or anything. I use a GoPro Lens Mod which allows horizon lock with max stabilization. It's all stabilized with the camera's software. It's pretty amazing. The only drawback to this setup is the max resolution is 2.6K instead of 4K, but I think the quality is still there for watching it on the big screen.

Came here to post the same thing.  Just sat in my chair with and ICDB and enjoyed. Thanks for coming back and posting this DF . . .

Well done!  Awesome video as usual!
Thanks bud!

Killer video as always! Looks like you guys had a blast, again as always  :cheers:

How long did it take to edit/create the video and what did you use?  

Awesome video and the comments are just enough to tell what's going on and not so much we can't just enjoy the scenery.   

Killer video as always! Looks like you guys had a blast, again as always  :cheers:
Thanks bud!  :cheers:

How long did it take to edit/create the video and what did you use?  

Awesome video and the comments are just enough to tell what's going on and not so much we can't just enjoy the scenery.   
Thanks so much. I don't know exactly. I just edited it over the span of a week after our trip whenever I had the free time. I had so much footage to go through since I recorded everything on 3 different cameras plus the drone, I say I probably have 8-10 hours or more into editing? It definitely takes some time, but I like doing it. I use the video editing program called Filmora. Thanks for your feedback. I always like hearing what makes a more enjoyable video.  
