I’ve been keeping an eye on the recent news with Arctic Cat & Textron. A couple months ago Textron said due to softening demand, higher interest rates, and overstocked dealer inventory, Textron said Arctic Cat would finish building the 2025 model Snowmobiles and stop all production in December. They would only build a limited amount to satisfy dealer requirements, then they would suspend operations and restart the end of 1st quarter 2025. Then a month later it was pushed out to end of 2nd quarter. Now today 12/18/24 Textron announced that they will suspend operations indefinitely at Arctic Cat and be looking at strategic alternatives. They have also filed with the SEC and break down the financial costs and pretax charges, including their contract termination costs.
It pretty much sounds like Textron needs to find a buyer or they might not restart operations. I was told over a year ago Textron was silently looking for a buyer for Arctic Cat and EZGo. They also shifted both Arctic Cat & EZGo away from Textron and EZGo was overseeing and managing Arctic Cat. I’m told when you see that, it’s typically means they are trying to separate themselves for a sale. Kinda like like Comcast is doing with MSNBC.
Probably a long shot, but I’d love to see Polaris buy Arctic Cat and keep it going. For those who don’t know both companies have a long intertwined history with each other. I’ve written two articles on the history or Polaris & Arctic Cat. It’s very interesting, and explains why I feel Polaris would be the best to get Arctic Cat back on track. I also think they could do it for less money than anyone else. If you want to know my reasons why I think this, just let me know?
But here is the latest news about Arctic Cat, shut down and SEC filings. I hope this is not the end of Arctic Cat.
It pretty much sounds like Textron needs to find a buyer or they might not restart operations. I was told over a year ago Textron was silently looking for a buyer for Arctic Cat and EZGo. They also shifted both Arctic Cat & EZGo away from Textron and EZGo was overseeing and managing Arctic Cat. I’m told when you see that, it’s typically means they are trying to separate themselves for a sale. Kinda like like Comcast is doing with MSNBC.
Probably a long shot, but I’d love to see Polaris buy Arctic Cat and keep it going. For those who don’t know both companies have a long intertwined history with each other. I’ve written two articles on the history or Polaris & Arctic Cat. It’s very interesting, and explains why I feel Polaris would be the best to get Arctic Cat back on track. I also think they could do it for less money than anyone else. If you want to know my reasons why I think this, just let me know?
But here is the latest news about Arctic Cat, shut down and SEC filings. I hope this is not the end of Arctic Cat.

Textron Seeks "Strategic Alternatives" For Arctic Cat Division UPDATED
In an SEC filing on December 18, Textron says it is looking for "strategic alternatives" to its Arctic Cat and powersports group.

Textron Seeks "Strategic Alternatives" For Arctic Cat Division UPDATED
In an SEC filing on December 18, Textron says it is looking for "strategic alternatives" to its Arctic Cat and powersports group.