Taking your car to the dealer? Be careful

my buddy bought a new truck. insisted on doing it himself, didn't want dad to help him.

drives truck home, dad says let me see the paperwork. he says I told you don't get the ext warranty. 

he said I didn't get it. dad says you signed right here. wasn't his signature, dealership forged it and worked it into the price

dad called attorney, buddy walked away with a free and clear truck, or they were going to the news media and see them in court.
Wonder how many other people they did that to as well. Crazy

16 hours ago, onanysunday said:

What always blows my mind when I watch cars with massive downforce is how little time they are on the brakes.  Just lifting slows them way down.  It's always funny to read a story about an average joe who gets behind the wheel of one and can't believe how deep they can drive into a corner before lifting and how fast the cars slow down once one does.  Carry on . . .
