Suspension Bolts


May 10, 2021
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Who has the best selection of shouldered bolts for redoing suspension parts? Been looking all around and having to piece certain things from different sites and was curious who everyone uses. Would prefer to use 12 point but not a must
I got all my 12pt hardware at specialty fasteners in Chino. I had to stand at the counter for about 30 minutes so they could look up each shoulder I needed on my list.
I got all my 12pt hardware at specialty fasteners in Chino. I had to stand at the counter for about 30 minutes so they could look up each shoulder I needed on my list.
A buddy referred me there and they have the best online selection that I have seen so far however they get pretty limited in shoulder lengths with big bolts like 3/4" and they dont have the size I currently need
I went through Mcfaddendale in Ontario for most of mine. They are not 12 point but the are grade 8. They had almost every length I needed to make sure they were all shanked correctly.
Really Depends on the Size, RPI are pretty crazy on price,
But for standard shock bolts in 12pt, ARP will be the cheapest, go to the online catalogue a find the sizes, Summit has most in stock,
For the Big boys, like a 3/4 for trailing Arms, Kartek has a good selection,
ARP and DB you can order from Allen Fasteners,
and RPI bolts you can get from,

3/8 and 3/4

I went RPI, which cost me an arm and leg. Would only do it again if building a race car. You can buy it online here:


Take the time to read the following post for proper shank measurement:

Only problem with 12pt hardware is working on it in the field. Biggest advantage with 12pt is if you're going to undersize the head of the bolt for some reason. If it's a standard size head (i.e. 3/4" socket for 1/2" bolt), it may not be necessary unless you're going crazy with the torque spec (TTY, F911 bolts, etc). That being said, 12pt do look fucking cool :cool:
Aircraft Spruce and Specialty. great website and fast shipping or if you are local you can walk in
Thanks for all the sources for hardware, lots of good info here!