SSSSXS Show......This weekend


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
Reaction score
Sand Sport Super Side X Side Show.... :lmao:

Who's in, what are you all looking for or just gonna go check stuff out?

I am looking for door storage bags for my can am, maybe a couple flags and mounts, coozies, beer or 2...hang with friends.

Who knows what else I may find.



I will be there praying to all things RG.  
Beware the Acolytes of Speed.  They see and hear all of Robby's tenets, and long remember those who transgressed.



I bet you will too! 

Its fun to see how the trolls act when face to face. 
I doubt any "trolls" will be near him with all the circle jerking that will be going on at that booth.   It will be just like last year.  A lot of drooling, but this time over actual production vehicles.  Should be a busy booth.      

@Lord of the Dunes His booth will probably be the most crowded that's for sure!

I'm definitely going to check it out...if I can get close enough for a peek.


That I will be there?  Well duh it is the Sand Show.  

I want to see the Church of RG.  You think there will be any old people sitting in the sun I can talk to?  LMAO!!!!
No, there won't be any old people sitting in the sun. All of the ticket holders are getting VIP picture ID cards which let them go into the covered VIP area for free food and beer. 

You can sit out in the hot sun if you want to, everyone will understand.
