Sound Of Freedom - Go See This Now! "Gods Childern are NOT for Sale"


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May 2, 2021
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Go See This ! A very sad reality and based on a true story

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Wish musk or someone would stream this.  I'll pay, just don't really go to movie theaters anymore....

1st World Problems and we've got about 30 years til we're no longer 1st world. 

Saw this last night! Have to say it made me really uncomfortable but it drove the point home! It took 5 years to get this released...why you have to wonder??  If you haven't seen it, you should!!

I believe pedophilia is rampant in our country. I served on a grand jury many years ago and it was sickening how many child sexual abuse cased we dealt with, probably over half the cases we heard over a month's time.

I have known 2 women from uber rich families that were sexually abused by their fathers. One never addressed the issue because in my opinion she did not want to be cut off the cash train. The other, when she was an adult, told her dad to Eff off and if she ever saw him again she would kill him. 

Bringing children in from other countries is just supply meeting the demand, and it's Effing sick!

Saw this last night! Have to say it made me really uncomfortable but it drove the point home! It took 5 years to get this released...why you have to wonder??  If you haven't seen it, you should!!
Saw it yesterday and I agree. Very uncomfortable to watch. Everyone needs to see it. 

Saw it today. It was disturbing. I know of a lot of cases like this but finally a movie to open everyone’s eyes. Mel Gibson is coming out with a documentary similar to this move. 

I asked the family to watch it. We don’t live in the best neighborhood but my kids are sheltered compared to where I was raised and did as a kid. 

Better to know the sad reality and dangers out there...

Finally got to the theater and saw this with the family. 

Simply Heartbreaking.

Excellent job addressing a subject in a manner that gets the message across and does not further exploit children by showing too much.

Too many movies do that today, show EVERYTHING in an effort to to be edgy or generate social media hype vs just standing on a good story, interesting characters, etc.

Kudos to all the folks involved to get this story out.

So when will someone go after what happens with trafficking that is going on here in America?

Our Politicians, Celebrities and the Elite that get away with the same debauchery...

Simply Heartbreaking.

Took the family to see this. Very good & powerful movie. I'd encourage everyone to watch it. 

Not looking so good for Tim Ballard these days . . .
