Something you took from your parents

Took a 20$ out of her purse felt horrible after but that sugar rush was amazing!!!
Mom was a survivor raised 4 kids on her own, was an actress in the 60 date some BIG name's had kids , became a song writer, just published her first book at 83. Basically learned never give up. Standing next to her she makes me look like an old man.
Your mom is a very beautiful woman inside and out. I loved meeting her.
Never saw my dad argue or yell at my mom. Never saw him mad.
I keeps that.
i never saw that either, my dad always kept his cool, even when she was screaming and yelling at him. To this day nothings changed, he's 82 and he still just lets it roll off. My wife has had some knock out fights (I say she does because I don't fight back, its a one sided fight lol) and I too keep my cool. As bad as I want to say hurtful things because she did, I never did. I could unleash a wrath if I wanted, but I know how she works, she gets pissed, screams and yells, and when she cries she resets. I hate to see it but I always just agreed and said yes dear lol. I never had the feeling or want/need to lift a hand, and never saw my dad do that and don't think he would.Being a kid under him was kinda tough, staff seargent USMC, vietnam wounded, he was tough on me, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. It sure saved me from a path of destruction I could have easily went down in the 80s and into my adult years.
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Dad started supporting himself and his family at 12 sweeping chimneys before school. Rough childhood and always wanted to make sure ours was better than his. Looking back I should have had my ass whooped about 200% more than I did and I swung that pendulum back a little bit, trying to find the right balance with my own boys. He never raised his voice or got mad... had enough of that in his youth. One thing he passed down that I have to my boys as well is that there's no such thing as a fair fight... you either win or you don't.