Something you took from your parents


Staff member
Aug 7, 2024
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So my mom is getting older and having a hard time with a lot of stuff..   she lives in Carlsbad (where I grew up). 

my brother(s) has(have) been an asshole since birth.. but when I was young she used to take me to Carl’s Jr everyday after school.  

 She would say “tell me three good things about your day and you get a hamburger”. 

When you are a pre teen or a teen you major in being an asshole and minor in not going to jail..  

This was something I looked forward to everyday and it taught me to start thinking of positive things that I can’t wait to share instead of negative things which literally lead nowhere.. 

It’s something small and not something you’d realize had a profound effect on your life until later..    

my kids are all good kids and aren’t in the dreaded teen problem yet.. but I have been taking them to in n out and asking them to tell me 3 good things for whatever they want..  

I told my mom tonight that I was doing this and the fact that I thought it was genius..   I don’t know if she will remember but it was a great conversation tonight.
What things did you take from your parents that helped you in life?  Or that you will keep doing for your kids?    (I got more but we r starting the conversation here). 

This is us at the Havasu In N Out today 


Freely admit that isn’t the greatest picture lol 

Mom always said that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. 

Genetics and the fear of not being on time. 

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Be on time. Tell the truth. Be a man of your word. These are the things my Grandfather always told me. He was my Father figure and I’m who I am because of him.
My dad always told me...

"Never buy Anything the first year it comes out."

He was mainly referring to cars during that conversation, but it applies to pretty much anything that you can purchase.
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Mom - Treat people like you want to be treated - and always say please and thank you.
Dad - Work ethic - I didn't realize it when I was younger as he was always having me do work I didn't want to do (pull weeds, etc) - but as I got older and entered the work force, I always felt the need to tell others to hurry up / quit slacking / keep up pussy- which my dad used to do to me :) (but he wasn't harsh or mean about it, ever. I'm very thankful for my childhood and parents.
Work ethics from both my mom and dad.
Entertainer from my Dad.
My daughter graduated high school this past June. I made a vodka tonic amd put it into a 1 liter water bottle for the ceremony. My son, his GF, my ex-wife, and my mom were all there. I was sharing my drink with my mom, because she taught me these tricks. It was a very nice Wednesday 4pm ceremony.
Mom taught me money bill responsibly, first real paycheck job she ask for 20% for room & board. All bills paid first then fun & games. Is the reason I have a high credit score.

Took a 20$ out of her purse felt horrible after but that sugar rush was amazing!!!
Mom was a survivor raised 4 kids on her own, was an actress in the 60 date some BIG name's had kids , became a song writer, just published her first book at 83. Basically learned never give up. Standing next to her she makes me look like an old man.


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Mom - Be kind and sincere to all, save your trust and generosity for the few who deserve it and only the very few that don't but you love enough to anyways.
Step-Dad - Work Hard, but enjoy life too or you'll work then just die one day. Dog shit should never sit in your yard more then 30 mins, if it does why do you have a dog? Women don't know what they want or think they do, be the leader of your home and family - be the rock that life crashes against so they have security and a foundation.
Dad - Drugs and Alcohol will take away your happiness, hurt the ones you love and take your life too soon. RIP Dad, I'm already 10 years older then he was when he passed.