Next we need a thread asking where the following members are...
ToyCollector for his wealth of knowledge on Car Detailing, Stereo System Installations and Green House Watering Systems

NO1UKNOW for his wealth of knowledge on Immigration Migration Patterns in the Southwest, Proper Flag Etiquette :luvflag:
Southern Boy for his wealth of knowledge on Relationship practices in the Deep South :sex:
Dirt Dog for his wealth of knowledge on the Raiders Football team and Cultural Diversity in Mexifornia :crusty:
OffRoadRyan for his wealth of knowledge on Sweaty Palms, Puggs and Pit Bikes

Sol for his wealth of knowledge on Women that should be Hit :hitit:
Infidel Defiler for his wealth of knowledge on Tuna Fishing and White Guilt :holla:
....and yeah...where is that guy Socaldmax?