So the thread about spring weights got me thinking. Guess my cars weight.

Looks like richard h is the winner as far as I can tell.  Missed the weight of the car by 2 lbs.  Honorable mention to Lord of the Dunes for missing the weight of the plus me and a friend by 2 lbs.  He would have missed by a lot if I had used my fatter friend in the passenger seat, LOL.

SU said the standard Mid Sand Pro 2 weighed 1995.  I figured the Albins and blower and extra fuel would have put it in the 2400 range, but I was wrong.

On a side note, it looks like the spring rates in the rear were really close after running the numbers.  I may try a heavier lower spring for giggles.  Wish I had taken the shocks off and weighed the un-sprung weight of the tires and hubs etc, but I went with 125 lbs for the rears.

empty weight.jpg

full weight.jpg

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Where did you get the scales? Would love to weigh my car.
I borrowed them.  Wish I had known, as I went by and weighed Alex's car today on my way to return them.  Could have came by and did yours as well.

I borrowed them.  Wish I had known, as I went by and weighed Alex's car today on my way to return them.  Could have came by and did yours as well.
No worries. It is a big turd and can't get out of it's own way.  :trever:

Looks like richard h is the winner as far as I can tell.  Missed the weight of the car by 2 lbs.  Honorable mention to Lord of the Dunes for missing the weight of the plus me and a friend by 2 lbs.  He would have missed by a lot if I had used my fatter friend in the passenger seat, LOL.

SU said the standard Mid Sand Pro 2 weighed 1995.  I figured the Albins and blower and extra fuel would have put it in the 2400 range, but I was wrong.

On a side note, it looks like the spring rates in the rear were really close after running the numbers.  I may try a heavier lower spring for giggles.  Wish I had taken the shocks off and weighed the un-sprung weight of the tires and hubs etc, but I went with 125 lbs for the rears.

View attachment 26594

View attachment 26595
At least its only 100Lbs more than the last one I scaled with the S4 vs Albins - thats good to know the difference 

I have never seen an SU pro less than 2400, the 5 links were Light - I scaled a 3 rotor mazda with a fortin at 1685 - no wonder it was so fast ...

I borrowed them.  Wish I had known, as I went by and weighed Alex's car today on my way to return them.  Could have came by and did yours as well.
What did Alex’s car weigh?

Too bad Andy's car was not together.  It would be fun to see what his car will weigh.  
