So the thread about spring weights got me thinking. Guess my cars weight.


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Was reading the recent thread about spring rates, and it got me thinking (usually dangerous, always expensive).  I have always felt that my car does not ride as good as it could, especially in the chatter bumps.  Dunes fine as far as I can tell, but the comfort is not there in bumps and chatter.  Decided to see if the spring rates were in the ball park, so I needed to weigh the car as the first step.

I weighed it tonight, and will post the weight Monday night.  What is your guess?

The car is a 2008 SU Sand Pro 2 Mid engine.  One of the few mids with the dual sport boxed front and bigger rear arms.  Has an Albins AGB 5 speed, LS2 with a Kenne Bell blower, and holds 26 gallons of fuel.  Has my small set of dune tools in the wing.

So what are your guesses?  Total weight, and front and rear for tie breaker bragging rights.



The Albins is the unknown -- the last one I scaled was 2650 with an S4.  but I don't remember how much gas it had .. you could have almost 200LB more in fuel  from near empty I would say 2850

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2810 full of fuel 1265 front 1545 rear 

Some really good guesses.  Someone is only 3 LBS off.  Reveal tomorrow.
