So is it just my office

I had to use the bathroom at Albertsons in Ramona last week.  The urinal was like I've never seen.  Had an weird angle at the back that caused all piss to spray back on your legs.  Had to point straight down to avoid that.  Of course, a puddle on the floor.

Had a new guy come to work here in the office last year after it being just me in the office. Wasn't the second week before I had to have the "talk" with him.

Told him he needs to either sit down on the toilet or stop pissing on the floor, Told him his wife doesn't work here so she isn't going to clean up after him so he better start aiming better. He denied it. Told me it wasn't him it must be the "workers" when they come into the office. 

Was about three days later I walked in to the bathroom right after he walked out.. You guessed it he sprinkled when he tinkled. I turned around walked out into the shop grabbed the mop and bucket and walked into his office and handed them to him.

I should of fired him that day and saved myself a lot of anguish. He asked me if we had somebody else to do that, like it was beneath him. I told him call your wife I am sure she will come down and do it. 

Don't think he ever cleaned up after himself in his life time.

Had a new guy come to work here in the office last year after it being just me in the office. Wasn't the second week before I had to have the "talk" with him.
Be glad you're not a woman with a new co-worker who grew up on a farm.

Nauseating to walk in the bathroom one week out of the month.

Hated to do it but I finally said something to her supervisor about talking to her.

We would always put up signs like this in the restrooms and "people" in the office would reprint them with little "explanations" on the bottom like this  

Screen Shot 2021-09-13 at 10.45.19 AM.png

I was listening to an old Stern show. I believe they said there was only 1 bathroom for the entire floor. There was an issue of #2 being on the toilet seat and even the walls!!!
