So is it just my office


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Or does everyone's office have that one urinal that by early afternoon there is a piss puddle that everyone avoids standing in???  Blech... 

Some folks are disgusting...


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Or does everyone's office have that one urinal that by early afternoon there is a piss puddle that everyone avoids standing in???  Blech... 

Some folks are disgusting...

View attachment 13703
What's the average age used by said urinals? It's either pure laziness or could be weak stream from prostate issues. 

And yea........... there are some pretty disrespectful POS's out there.  even in our building, where they are working in well lit, air conditioned, tools provided, work stations provided, free coffee, etc, etc, etc, kinda makes me sick....  the a55holes make it bad for everyone else.... 

Make a laminated pic of the boss and put it in the urinal. Puddle will be gone. Your welcome

My guys rotate KP weekly in the shop bathroom
This is exactly what we also did. Seemed they took a little more care of things.

Add, the cleaning rotation included me.

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The urinals at my EOS Fitness gym can be pretty sloppy even though there's a floor mat.  I have to assume a wide stance to avoid the puddles.

But what really pisses me off at that same gym (similar to Bobalos "some pretty disrespectful POS's" comment), which is actually in a very upscale part of town, is the FRESH GUM ALL OVER THE PARKING LOT.  I've stepped in it twice lately, and now I have to look for it every time, and I've complained to management about it, suggesting a sign be posted.  I'm shocked that there's so many disrespectful adult gum chewers at that gym.

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Yeah man.. working from home … much better….

   … at restaurants I’m kinda picky…

           … in Kauai I just pee in the bushes if I’m not in my condo…

or the ocean… got back 6/30/2021


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The urinals at my EOS Fitness gym can be pretty sloppy even though there's a floor mat.  I have to assume a wide stance to avoid the puddles.

But what really pisses me off at that same gym (similar to Bobalos "some pretty disrespectful POS's" comment), which is actually in a very upscale part of town, is the FRESH GUM ALL OVER THE PARKING LOT.  I've stepped in it twice lately, and now I have to look for it every time, and I've complained to management about it, suggesting a sign be posted.  I'm shocked that there's so many disrespectful adult gum chewers at that gym.
I avoid the gym due to all the gum on display in the locker rooms. Seriously fellers, put your clothes on and stop hanging out in there all day. 

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I avoid the gym due to all the gum on display in the locker rooms. Seriously fellers, put your clothes on and stop hanging out in there all day. 
Due to his stature, TLL actually enjoys his view in the locker room.


I think we should make them go piss in the canyon out back.
