Sept 11th

Never will forget. I got married on the 8th and flew to the Bahamas for our honeymoon on the 10th.
Woke up the next morning to watch the second plane hit. Was crazy being in another country while all that shit happened.

On this day... 23 years ago 246 people went to sleep in preparation for their morning flights. 2,606 people went to sleep in preparation for work in the morning. 343 firefighters went to sleep in preparation for their morning shift. 60 police officers went to sleep in preparation for morning patrol. 8 paramedics went to sleep in preparation for the morning shift. None of them saw past 10:00am Sept 11, 2001. In one single moment life may never be the same. As you live and enjoy the breaths you take today and tonight before you go to sleep in preparation for your life tomorrow, kiss the ones you love, snuggle a little tighter, and never take one second of your life for granted.

This does not count for the thousands who have died since then of exposure to the stuff in the buildings when the came down, the folks who struggled with ruined lives due to financial hardships, the kids who never grew up with parents & the struggles they went through........ its maybe 10x worse than the lives taken on that day. super hard to quantify how many lives were touched that day. this event spurred thousands of folks to join the military & service groups to support their country.
Never will forget. I got married on the 8th and flew to the Bahamas for our honeymoon on the 10th.
Woke up the next morning to watch the second plane hit. Was crazy being in another country while all that shit happened.
Similar situation. I got married on the 15th. Talk about shaking up a wedding. All my family is back east so most didn't end up making it out here with them grounding all the planes. I had one cousin that was in the airport on the 11th getting ready to board when then planes hit. I definitely take a moment every year and stop and think about that day and watching the building fall and all those people that lost their lives that day.
Sad park is those that didn't live thru it are not being truly taught how significant it was.
Islamic terrorist. Islamic extremist. Remember those words? Over the last 23 years hey have been scrubbed from our vocabulary intentionally.

Benghazi, Abbey Gate, October 7th, on and on and on...

They wish to destroy western civilization and America, yet most can't find the ability to call it what it is... turns out that the religion of peace isn't all that peaceful.

Meanwhile, we've been conditioned and manipulated into not calling a spade a spade. Every one of those lunatic Palestinian and Hamas sympathizers taking over our learning institutions over the last year are Islamic extremist sympathizers... here... in our country... by the thousands.

They changed our vocabulary and our culture changed. 70 years ago everyone in our Nation would "Kill a commie for Mommy" but we've become so divided that we can't even get behind protecting and preserving our freedoms and our way of life as a noble cause... what the actual fuck happened to our Country?

Never forget ...that we are all being played against each other. Never forget that it is intentional and malicious. Never forget who attacked us, when they attacked us, and why they attacked us. Never forget who is sowing division and leading us away from the ideals that shaped our Nation... and finally, be prepared to fight for it when the time comes.
I was driving to training that day, listing to Mark and Brian...

At first, I thought it was one of their jokes/bits, but eventually, it became clear it was real.

When I got to the training center, everyone was staring at a TV.

We didn't get much training in that day, but boy did I learn a few things.

In case you guys didn't know...

Roland Cook was there with boots on the ground that day. He's a retired fire fighter now, and runs a restaurant on Cook St, right on the way to Glamis and the river.

Why am I mentioning this??

He has a chunk of metal from the collapsed building in his restaurant and a nice memorial there too.

If you stop to get a bite to eat there, you'll be reminded every time.

I remember being on this site that day when it went down. Probably was just lurking then. At work, we still hang the flag we bought shortly thereafter in one of our hallways (remember the post 9/11 flag boom?) and I think about it often.

On the 10th anniversary in 2011, Rhett Miller of the Old 97's (great band) wrote an article in the Atlantic about his experience that day as he lived with his girlfriend (now wife) in lower Manhattan at the time. I read it every year as a reminder. Here it is if you care to read it (hopefully not paywalled):

Full disclosure and weird anecdote: I have been friends with Rhett since he lived in LA back in the 90s and have never once asked him about this.
I remember being on this site that day when it went down. Probably was just lurking then. At work, we still hang the flag we bought shortly thereafter in one of our hallways (remember the post 9/11 flag boom?) and I think about it often.

On the 10th anniversary in 2011, Rhett Miller of the Old 97's (great band) wrote an article in the Atlantic about his experience that day as he lived with his girlfriend (now wife) in lower Manhattan at the time. I read it every year as a reminder. Here it is if you care to read it (hopefully not paywalled):

Full disclosure and weird anecdote: I have been friends with Rhett since he lived in LA back in the 90s and have never once asked him about this.
I was glued to the TV and this site that day as well. A day when nobody knew what to do, but mourn.
I lived in Irvine at the time and worked in a building next to John Wayne airport. I did my morning ritual of turning on the TV in the bedroom and goto take my shower and get ready for work. I remember hearing that a tower was struck when I got out of the shower, and started watching it. At around 9:15 my boss called me and asked why I wasn't at work, and I told him what was going on, and he said "come to work anyways." I said I'm not sure I want to be in a building next to an airport right now?

Anyhow everyone went to work, and we watched it all on this little TV all day long. I had customers (a lot of them) in the aerospace industry at the time.. Parker Hannifin and others had full on military guys at the entrances of all their buildings and security was extremely tight for a long time.

I had a bunch of stuff I was going to post last night about families going to bed never knowing their lives were about to change.. I have been sick as a dog, and honestly just have had zero energy to even be online for the last couple days.

I was driving to work listening to Howard Stern in the truck. I thought it was some sort but they were doing. We didn't have any TV where I was working, so me and 6-7 guys listened on the radio news station. All of us huddled around to radio, reminded me of the pictures I have seen of people doing the same during a big event in the 1940's before TV. I didn't see any pictures or video until late that night.

The next day, i didn't want to listen to jokes, so I listened to another radio show. Haven't listened to Stern since.