Seen This?(Land Grab)

We can sign and jump up and down and scream, but I'm afraid it's likely a done deal... with the current people in charge right now... WE don't matter to them. Elections have consequences...
Wasnt this land added to the state park just 6-7 years ago? We were told it was a good thing for off roaders because it was to make certain the offroad trails there would stay open. Fooled again are californians. If i recall this was a juan vargas deal
Everyone please sign the petition you do not want this monument to go through they pushed one down our throats here in Southern Oregon several years back and it really sucks. Just another land grab to force us off public lands. We lost 4 dams on the Klamath river this year and the tribe is the new owner of the lake bed property in 3 lakes they claim it will be opened to the public when restoration is completed in 7 years but I call bs on that it will be permanently closed to public unless you belong to the tribe. So please do not take this lightly stand up and fight We the People are losing ground fast.

Now I'll get a bullshit email from useless turd Mark Kelly..."I'm a Navy pilot and astronaut....I vote for and push ultra liberal legislation as the party dictates..."
The are pushing the Dolores National something on my area. It will be taking BLM land and doing something with it. Everybody in the area is against it. The belief is, that if it passes, that Trump will do what he did to Bear's Ears and slice it like crazy.

It seems like all some people know is guns/ATVS/OHVs bad, trees good.
I wrote my elected officials after the petition.
- Sen Sinema - Thank you for's my staff contact.
- Mark Kelly...Blowhard, democrat response. Did you know he was in the Navy and an astronaut? It's always his opener on any correspondence.
- Rep Paul Gosar...I always get an immediate response that he will get back to me and then within 24 hours, I get a tailored response.Screen Shot 2024-11-26 at 9.04.20 AM.png
Biden just signed this into law
Surprise............not. By the time we hear about it, they are 99% a done deal. This was a backroom, enviro idiot payoff. Simple as that. No need for it, no reason for it, all they are doing is locking Americans out of their public lands.