Sealing a slow leak?


Well-known member
May 3, 2021
Reaction score
I put new tires on my 70 recently.  These have 2 piece wheels and I did put a new gasket with RTV between the halves.  I have a slow leak.  4 days or so to get low.

I made sure the beads were clean and it has a new valve stem.

What can/should I do?  I have starch which I hear a lot of you talking about.  Would a few ounces fix the leak?


Starch should seal up the slow leak just fine.

My first thought would be to bubble it & find out where the leak was, but ultimately I would likely just throw starch in it, regardless of leak location.  LOL.

I starched the tires on my generator.  LOL. 

If you can submerge the whole tire, I'd blow it up to 25psi and find out where it's leaking then go from there. If it's a valve stem, easy to fix. So is a bead with grit/rust in it. Just finding the leak is the first priority. 

You usually don’t have to submerge it to find the leak. Just mix up a spray bottle with soapy water and soak it down with it. The leak will show bubbles. If it’s not simple like valve stem or similar, I would use starch. Starch has worked better for me than anything else. 
