SCU back in business


Active member
Jun 19, 2021
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Don and Kathy sold the business to Metaltech motorsports.  Thoughts?  I know there’s a few SCU owners on the board.  Anyone think the quality is going to carry over? 

I was lucky enough to be involved in the lead up and got to meet Justin and his wife at SCU on Sunday. Justin is going to kill it, he has the drive, skill and ambition to not only continue but improve on one of the best cars built. Don is going to be involved in the back ground to help support Justin and all the SCU customers. I was super excited to load up my new SCU onto Justin's trailer and see it head to the new home for SCU. 




Sounds like the best solution for a long standing favorite...Best of luck to @Metaltech_motorsports  :cheers:

Exciting to see the torch passed on when folks that worked hard, gave great service earned their due and wish to retire.

So glad this is happening...SCU has been a staple in the Sand Car Industry and stoked to see it continuing.

Can't wait to see the new SCU.

Congrats to Don and Kathy and a well deserved retirement ahead.


This has been Farmer's dream for some time know, big thanks to @Pennywise for making this happen, Whoever knows Justin, he will give the shirt off his back to make the customer happy, The Bead rolls on my interior panels and exterior panels are amazing,  Justin Farmer is super easy going and has always owned a Sand Car, Hit Justin or Katie up for Metal work or a Car, Now located in Las Vegas,   

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Glad to see Don is doing well. Real scary a few years back when he rolled an SCU on Olds and whacked his head on the cage (if I remember correctly). Loved my SCU!


Good afternoon fellow duners , 

    I appreciate the kind words and support. Don built a great reputation and some bad ass cars, I will definitely be continuing this. The new cars will be the scu way with new designs and features. Still going to be a “drivers” car. We will have 2 and 4 seats options. Also going to do a new design off the little bro. This way there’s a car for every Duner. 

   Metaltech will be staying the same. Catering to all your off road needs specializing in custom aluminum bodies and paneling while also providing wiring and prep/ general maintenance. As some know, I take pride in my work and am passionate about the dunes and off road community. I don’t care what you have as long as we are all having fun. 

Stay tuned for what’s to come. Sand Cars Unlimited is going to be back in full swing and will be taking orders soon. 

Thank you 🙏🏻 

Justin Farmer 


Some pretty cool stuff right here. Stoked to see this. I have a buddy who’s had Justin do a bunch of work, its super nice. Best of luck to you all involved. 

Congratulations Justin and thanks for the swag! Did my email order and got some shirts, hats, sweatshirts in a week!

Thank you !!!
