School me on CA transfer rules/laws

i buy all mine used lol, so if i gotta ditch em they comin for some other guy lol

I have no idea where my step dad purchased his guns. He never really talked about them. He was a volunteer for Los Angeles Sheriff's Dept and ran the mobile shooting trailer for Deputy firearms qualifications. They used to sell ammo from the trailer but stopped many years ago as the volume was 'too much'.

He may have bought the guns cash and carry, again I have no idea. I found a few receipts in his safe from long gun purchases but zero for pistols. 

My son plans to get his CCW but needs to legally own a gun first. He figured the .38 hammerless and the P365 were perfect. Other than that we have no plans to put any of my step dads guns on paper.

I think you can take them to the ffl and leave them for 10 days and get them all in your name.

especially since a family gift, as long as none are stolen you are just fine

A couple months ago a board member (and LEO) either text or DM'd me on IG some solid info on how to get my dad'd stuff into my name.  Cannot find the DM or text.  Hoping he sees this post and hits me up again.  I want to put in for my CCW and have a Ruger and S&W hammerless .38 I want to include on my paperwork.

As mentioned....leave your mags at home.  They don't have a Serial Number on them.  You are transferring the gun's frame.

AFAIK, the 4473s stay w/the dealer and don't go into any database.  But, CA could be different.

There is a database for guns that are encountered by LEOs.  It is relatively new.

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A couple months ago a board member (and LEO) either text or DM'd me on IG some solid info on how to get my dad'd stuff into my name.  Cannot find the DM or text.  Hoping he sees this post and hits me up again.  I want to put in for my CCW and have a Ruger and S&W hammerless .38 I want to include on my paperwork.
Fill out this form, send it in with the fees and wait. If he was legally your step father then just make the transfer straight to your son.  It is a Intera-famailial transfer .The DOJ does not care were the guns come from as long as they are not stolen, they care now they have them in the system ( Dros Dealers sale of record). And, yes they know what you have registered. Pros of putting it in your name,  if  something happens and you have to use it your good, if not in your, name a felony awaits you.

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