Saturday, 28Aug21, what are you doing this weekend?


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May 5, 2021
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I'm putting the panty back together (trying to anyway).

Installing a tpms in my truck/trailer. Adding and air tank into the buggy. Prepping for our trip to zion.  Visit the parents. Staying cool. Celebrating the life of an amazing WW2 perl harbor surviver. 


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Working. A little maintenance on the rzr and tinker on the daughters lt80 this afternoon. 

Possibly take the rzr out tomorrow. Not sure though. Been comuting 200 miles a day for work  all last week and have 2 more weeks of it so I might just stay home and enjoy not driving.

Gathering things in prep for Glamis next weekend. I have hope it will come together.

Chores, then watch some MX at Ironman, BBQ some dead animal, might crack a beer or 20

Went Grocery shopping and Gassed up car. Changed some tie downs in the Trailer and started loading my truck with stuff for dune season and then saw the Camper shell hold downs were coming loose so I drilled and bolted it too the bed. Still waiting to see what Can am will do about my car

Home Depot at 7am to pick up some silt fence to put along side my new pole barn to stop the dirt from eroding till I decide what type of retaining wall I do.installed the fence then spread some more millings.came in for a water and the house is empty...wife and both kids gone.she took them to my dads so gonna crack a beer and enjoy the empty house for a bit.

got the covid, watching titletown usa, just finished my binge watch of friday night lights, i haven't sat this still in prob 25 years or better. the not doing anything may kill me first

Did a lil bike ride from HB to Newport beach.  Was a perfect day at the beach and 102* at home.  Taking my daughter out for driving practice then bbq tomorrow.  



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Birthday yesterday.  Had a rad party here at the house.  No pictures so maybe it didn't happen.

Went to the Queensryche concert last night. They sounded great.  
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So is Casey Grillo still behind the kit, or did Rockenfield return to the mighty Ryche?

There was a rumor he may return. Gonna try my hardest to get to the Geoff Tate show where they are doing Rage For Order and Empire in their entirety’s.

Sunday morning hike up Iron mountain.   Been here since 88 and never hiked this until today.  2 hours up and down.  Gonna take the wife up it next weekend.  

We could smell the smoke from the fires up north.  You can see it in the westward pictures hanging just off of the coast... 





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So is Casey Grillo still behind the kit, or did Rockenfield return to the mighty Ryche?

There was a rumor he may return. Gonna try my hardest to get to the Geoff Tate show where they are doing Rage For Order and Empire in their entirety’s.
Rockenfield is not back yet. I know there is talk, but I’m not sure it is going well for him. 

Hung out in PB for a couple days.... damn is every grungy, loser, homeless pot smoker live on the beach there now? It is really sad how bad it has gotten down there. There used to be cops everywhere....we saw 2 cars all bikes, no atvs,  just 2 cars actually driving thru town and not was sad with people pissing in the sand just off the boardwalk at night.... Glad the kids are grown...wouldn't take them down there for this. 
