
As far as my Plans for mama G is Vets first trip Hopefully be there wed night or Thursday early morning till Sunday..

New years will probably be a quick overnighter in my little car as I will ONLY get New Years day off and it is in the middle of the week

That’s funny.  Hopefully history doesn’t repeat itself. 

So got alot on my mind currently.. Fedex has been lets just say stupid and hard to make a living right now with the potential of cutting even more hours than they already have. Currently they have cut me 1k-1200 a month hence why I don't have the can am anymore and now wanting to cut more hours which would be another 700 a month. i been applying within the company but other departments. Got an offer in Havasu. The issue is to go there its the EXACT same hourly I make currently and maybe more hours "maybe" but would have to buy a trailer to live in which means selling the YXZ so that means NO riding for who knows how long.. However I get out of Cali but AZ isn't any cheaper real estate wise than Cali right now so I am considering turning down the Job. If it was more $$ and didn't have to buy a trailer to live in then I would do it but my insides are torn up right now because this is a chance to get out of Cali but then I won't have anything..

Also My Youngest son Jarod is close to pulling the trigger on a RZR so he can go out Vets weekend and if I move out he is on the Hook for all the rent here which will kill his chances of buying that RZR..

The weight of the world is Heavy currently.

go with your gut, have Jarod move to havasu with you he will love it there 

Do you have a CDL? If so with what endorsements?

I looked up the job description online last night. Basically won't have my own route for God knows how long so My role is filing in when others are gone so according to readit you don't have much of a life outside work because each day is different. Like I said if it was more $$$ that might make this easier but its NOT more money but it is forsure more work. One of my biggest reasons I wanted to move to AZ was the freedom to ride the Toys around but as I said won't have any toys so... Connie and I had this goal to move there for years but she is gone and I would still like to move but maybe this isn't the right fit?

I turned down the Offer.. Maybe stupid time will tell but Just didn't feel right

Why don’t you contact Cacti and give her your best non negative conversation about how you two could go out and have a great time. 

well I guess you can call this Manifesting but went and filled the Moho up for Glamis Vets weekend. Saw reg at 3.87 a gal and went for it. so one thing checked off the list

I think you could have waited until right before the election.  I bet the fuel prices will be lower so they can say look what we did to the prices. 
