
Time to play Trap. Hit up your local Pub. Don't leave your drink unattended. Peace

Went to Jawbone/Dove springs area. Quite interesting place all the trails are numbered and so many trails it seems they go on forever. Weather was nice not Hot at all and even cooled down some as you go up in altitude on the trails.

Nice report the last time I rode there I was in my early 20’s. 

Alll the roads are numbered. so its kinda cool too just take different roads by turning at the numbers. NOT all whooped out like other places

This past week been a rough one. Especially with Fred getting Hurt and having to go to the Vet.

1 Job interview down. NOT sure at this point if its the right fit for me a few things got me uneasy. Second interview today at 4pm

This job I just interviewed at is overnights basically security right now and all on call. I am a driver and really wanna be out on the road. The on call thing scares me alittle as well as meaning always have to be ready to go 24-7

On Call is exactly're never off work. Peace

Had a phone interview with Carvana but its 2 bucks less an hour than what I am at
