
Housework,grocery shopping and sole searching on How I got to this Point. I moved things around in the garage so when I open the door I see the Blank spot where My SXS use to sit and making it a goal to fill that spot someday

Housework,grocery shopping and sole searching on How I got to this Point. I moved things around in the garage so when I open the door I see the Blank spot where My SXS use to sit and making it a goal to fill that spot someday
I think the answer you're looking for is here...

road runner.jpg

Well its My last day in my 40's.. Yes it just a Number.. I wanna Thank ALL of you for the support the past few Months. Life did Kick me in the Nuts for sure but by the Grace of God and Thanks to all of YOU I am still here. Not sure why but I am. So many things I wanna do and Being ALONE the rest of my life isnt one of them. In my opinion Life is to share and experience with someone. I want to go to the LEDGE next season and watch the sunset.. I wanna go to Duners diner and Finally see that place. I wanna see all of Y'all and give ya a smile as I dont have much to give anymore.I hope to have another Sand toy by next season if NOT I will be in camp holding down camp and waiting to hear all the stories and thats OK at least I will be there. So tomorrow on Mothers day I turn 50. I was Born on Mothers Day too so isnt that weird 50 years apart. Love You all and Thank you again for everything

"HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY" SandTrap!! You youngster. OHHHH to be 50 again! Peace
