Sand food!


May 6, 2021
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I've been duning for 30 years and have never seen sand food.    We were riding the 70s on the berm track and saw some on the way back to gecko.   There was one in the middle of the trail (that caught my eye) and then clusters of it just off the trail.   Rare and cool!



That's really cool, never seen nor heard of Sand Food before


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I've been duning for 30 years and have never seen sand food.    We were riding the 70s on the berm track and saw some on the way back to gecko.   There was one in the middle of the trail (that caught my eye) and then clusters of it just off the trail.   Rare and cool!

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I had to look it up. That is extremely neat. I am always blown away at the beauty in disguise on this planet. 

I love sand food, and those beautiful purple flowers. I’ve seen a few out in Glamis, but they are hard to find that’s for sure.

thanks for posting that.👍

Years ago, the ASA paid some environmental group to do plant studies in the dunes.  They asked for volunteers to drive the Botanist out into the dunes to do these studies.  I volunteered, thinking we were only looking for the Milk-vetch.  We ended up counting and logging Sand Food, Sunflowers, Milk Vetch and so forth.  Was super rewarding and learned a lot about the wildlife in the dunes.

We came across a small patch this season.  First time I've seen it in 21 years.
