Sand Car Security In Dunes- What Do You Do?

I Use a high end GPS,
My car is pretty large Pre-runner, at Vendors people would walk up to it and touch it, and it would ding my phone,
It can track and has a call police option, the box is tiny with no lights and has a battery backup and will tell you the battery strength.
@allenoffroad had one on his trailer and it was found the next day and the husband and wife were arrested.

Is it a power cut to the ignition
It replaces a relay that won't fire unless the dongle is nearby (or the button is pressed, depending on the mode you set).

*** EDIT ***

NM, same remote as this guy:

So I assumed it was the same thing. Not sure how the Summit one works, but the Cyclops system is a little less obvious and simpler to install.
Easy and quick to just pull the fuel pump fuse. I pull the steering wheels at night.
I don't go on weekends and camp far away from the crowds.

Never had anything stolen. 👍🏼
It replaces a relay that won't fire unless the dongle is nearby (or the button is pressed, depending on the mode you set).

*** EDIT ***

NM, same remote as this guy:

So I assumed it was the same thing. Not sure how the Summit one works, but the Cyclops system is a little less obvious and simpler to install.

Ok i get it now, seems kind of odd for a sand car,
If i am taking your car, I am going to grab a gas or electric vehicle drive up to the car and pull it away quietly.

I think a safer bet is a cut off switch, i would be nervous about a keyfab where it would be hard to get my car back or if i had the ignition cut out and wrecked the car do to a power loss,
Ok i get it now, seems kind of odd for a sand car,
If i am taking your car, I am going to grab a gas or electric vehicle drive up to the car and pull it away quietly.

I think a safer bet is a cut off switch, i would be nervous about a keyfab where it would be hard to get my car back or if i had the ignition cut out and wrecked the car do to a power loss,
I’ve had it on the Jeep for years now. Seems fine, but I put it on my starter relay (which all of us should have) for the exact reason you’re talking about: no way I want the fuel pump turning off while climbing something.
A thief would have to be pretty ballsy to jump in a strange car and try to drive off at a place like Vendors. It's not like jumping in a Toyota in a mall parking lot, no two cars are the same. Once Mr. soon to be spending the rest of the afternoon getting his ass kicked on front of everyone, jumps in a random car he has to figure out does it have a master switch, is there a battery disconnect? What transmission does this have and what is the procedure for getting it in reverse?
Then you have all the people walking around, that they would have to contend with, sure they have people watching you and your Lady shopping for T-shirts but the guy leaning up against the car three down might just be a good friend of yours.
I agree with this. Between all the different styles of switches or key pads to even start the car, then the transmissions to get it in reverse (Push button, two levers, push down and forward), and if someone turned off their perko swtich that is not clearly visible. I think someone would have to have major balls to try and do this without drawing attention. Hell even if someone was able to get the car on and in gear every clutch throws differently and he would probably stall it at least once or twice trying to move it. I think it would be pretty difficult but not impossible. I never really think about my car get stolen at vendors during the day, typically only at night and I kill my perko and take the wheel off and park it right under my bedroom window that is always at least cracked. I guess i'll start killing the perko at vendors now since I'm guna think of this thread when im there lol
Thieves galore out there.
Ya pin the Sand Vehicle between the Toy Hauler and the tow vehicle. Keep it difficult as possible.
Also cable locks, some even take their steering wheel off.
This that annoying fucker I was talking about. Check it out. Goes right through the front rotor.

YOHOOLYO Alarm Disc Lock Motorcycle Disc Brake Lock Anti-Theft Waterproof 110 dB 7mm Pin 5ft Reminder Cable for Motorcycles Bike Scooter Carry Pouch (Black)
Hidden perko switch and I close the valve on the fuel filter.
I Use a high end GPS,
My car is pretty large Pre-runner, at Vendors people would walk up to it and touch it, and it would ding my phone,
It can track and has a call police option, the box is tiny with no lights and has a battery backup and will tell you the battery strength.
@allenoffroad had one on his trailer and it was found the next day and the husband and wife were arrested.

do you pay a one time fee or monthly?