San Diego Per Mile Road Use Tax

Every day, it gets harder. 

More taxes,

more taxes,

more taxes,

More taxes,

And all of this money is for "transit".  Because they could not steal the gas tax for this bullsheet . 

There has to be an end to this crap.  I don't know where it is, but we have to find it SOON!



This is what it what that will look like...............

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F'U San Diego..and Calif...sure let every ride the buses the trolleys for free while charging the people who have cars to drive their cars...Eff that ..charge the people who ride the bus or better yet how about the freeloaders already who ride the trolley..police that better..oh wait thats right defund the police can already see this happening with the "BUS ONLY" lanes on the freeways...why not make it a car pool lane ..isnt that what my gas tax money goes to??..Eff this state ...Eff Newsome  Eff anyone that would vote for this crap.....rant over..i feel better...thank you

Anyways how ya'll doing to today

so only SD residents have to pay? what about all the driving they do out of the county? what about people who live other places that drive to san diego? how would you report/verify miles driven. just seams like it would be a hard thing to do. if they just charged SD residents on every mile they drive im sure someone would fight it in court if most their driving is out of county. 

CA pushed for electric cars and then mandated more efficient cars, then the gas tax revenue went down, so they raised the gas tax multiple times. still not getting enough money so now stuff like this. 

$0.04 a mile, then free public transportation? :effu:  

Nothing is free, I like the use of my own personal car.

Government creating the need for more Government is all this is. :showmoney:

With San Diego being run by Newsom's minions now, it's a CA race to see who can make der fuhrer happy first.

Looks like I definitely got out in time.  

Now the other question is...if the Fed creates a mileage tax, will state/county/city mileage taxes be in addition to that?

With San Diego being run by Newsom's minions now, it's a CA race to see who can make der fuhrer happy first.

Looks like I definitely got out in time.  

Now the other question is...if the Fed creates a mileage tax, will state/county/city mileage taxes be in addition to that?
I believe you already know the answer to this…. :biggrin:  

so only SD residents have to pay? what about all the driving they do out of the county? what about people who live other places that drive to san diego? how would you report/verify miles driven. just seams like it would be a hard thing to do. if they just charged SD residents on every mile they drive im sure someone would fight it in court if most their driving is out of county. 

CA pushed for electric cars and then mandated more efficient cars, then the gas tax revenue went down, so they raised the gas tax multiple times. still not getting enough money so now stuff like this. 
Don't worry, Your car will just report the mileage to the AHJ and you will get a tax bill from them in a timely manner.  

With San Diego being run by Newsom's minions now, it's a CA race to see who can make der fuhrer happy first.

Looks like I definitely got out in time.  

Now the other question is...if the Fed creates a mileage tax, will state/county/city mileage taxes be in addition to that?
And would that be double taxation?  I did not think that was legal.....
