San Diego Peeps....better wake up....

Well don't think of looking for a brighter future somewhere else. Understand California wishes to implement an exit tax. Talk about money grabs.
When/if the time comes, Me exiting CA will identify as staying put!

  :thefinger: CA, Newsome, every politician in the effing state EFF YOU!

Well don't think of looking for a brighter future somewhere else. Understand California wishes to implement an exit tax. Talk about money grabs.
Supposedly....this is only for multi-millionaires, but if you have a healthy retirement account...who knows.

When I retired from the Navy, CA sent me a tax bill saying that since I spent most my time while in the CA, they were going to tax me at 30% to recoup the tax revenue.

I took it to Navy Legal and they drafted me a letter telling CA to go F*CK themselves and it was un-Constitutional and illegal to do so.  The state promptly came back with 11% is fine...

BUT...they try and say that they have "entitlement" to tax your retirement for the portion earned in CA.  Yeah...F*CK you too on that one.  I never claimed CA as a residence and when I retired, I took the once a year fine of $11.00 for not paying state taxes on my retirement.  (Too all the armchair lawyers...Yes, it's legal....Yes, I did it....not they ain't coming after me.)

I've already turned ABC into the Franchise tax board.... got the immunity idol for ratting on him.......

Can you be arrested for riding on the rail drunk? Asking for a friend of course. Peace
