Safety in todays OHV Community


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2021
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Another story of somebody getting killed by reckless OHV use, this is happening everywhere lately.

Sounds like 2 Teens that were riding dirt bikes got hit by a SxS on a trail in Hungry Valley OHV park (Gorman) this past weekend :sad:  

If you read any message board, social media pages,'s out of control out there these days. Everyone is pointing to the New, inexperienced drivers to blame.

Is this an OHV "Type" issue or just newbs? Obviously size matters in who wins a head-on collision type crash.

Thoughts? How does a community help avoid these tragedies, or are they inevitable with the increase of OHV users we have been seeing?

Even places like Baldy Mesa (Trestles) OHV Staging Area that have been empty for full out of control any given weekend now.

I think it is a combination of the the sheer volume of SxSs' along with the lack of experience by many SxS drivers. A good way to gauge this is by who is or is not using basic hand signals out on the trails. More and more riders do not use them and a lot actually just wave at me when I am holding up fingers trying to let them know how many more riders behind me. That's a little scary.

I used to love to ride my dirt bikes at places like Gorman, Dove Springs, Spangler, etc., but the number of SxS's has grown at least tenfold over the past 4 or 5 years. It's just plain dangerous anymore out there. Now I pretty much stick to Rowher Flats for dirt bike riding since the trails at that place are not really SxS (or even quad) friendly, at least for the time being.

@RayClay Ditto on the hand signals.

So many times I have the 2-3 fingers or whatever for how many cars behind and more often than not I get the wave!


I love Gorman. A couple years ago my buddy leading our group was in a slow head on...blind corner, both vehicles not going fast. There was minimal damage to both, but not enough to ruin the weekend.

Could have been bad had either one been at speed.

One reason I like to ride middle or clean up in our group.

I used to love to ride my dirt bikes at places like Gorman, Dove Springs, Spangler, etc., but the number of SxS's has grown at least tenfold over the past 4 or 5 years. It's just plain dangerous anymore out there. Now I pretty much stick to Rowher Flats for dirt bike riding since the trails at that place are not really SxS (or even quad) friendly, at least for the time being.
I also stopped riding my motorcycle in these places, with the combination of removing single tracks and forcing all riders onto roads for the most part, you are a sitting duck on a two wheeler.  Some of the SxS drivers think they are in a rally car race and pitching their rides sideways on blind corners at every opportunity.  Just not worth the risk anymore.

We took our SxS to Lake Arrowhead and I will not go back. Way to many people who simply don't care about what they are doing.

I think a lot of new people to the sport/ sign and ride types plus social media has a lot to blame. People that saw a cool Instagram video went and bought toys and think they can drive like a pro now and want to show off. 

Too many people that didn’t grow up pushing the limits of Honda minis that don’t understand off roading, the dangers, and at least a little courtesy. People that aren’t stewards of the land, that only care about social media likes and what other think of them, etc. 

Just like on public roads, you need to drive defensively. I generally prefer the smooth dunes away from everyone else and their ruts anyway. But that’s easier said than done sometimes, especially with kids, that don’t always have the best situational awareness. 

I think it is a combination of the the sheer volume of SxSs' along with the lack of experience by many SxS drivers. A good way to gauge this is by who is or is not using basic hand signals out on the trails. More and more riders do not use them and a lot actually just wave at me when I am holding up fingers trying to let them know how many more riders behind me. That's a little scary.

I used to love to ride my dirt bikes at places like Gorman, Dove Springs, Spangler, etc., but the number of SxS's has grown at least tenfold over the past 4 or 5 years. It's just plain dangerous anymore out there. Now I pretty much stick to Rowher Flats for dirt bike riding since the trails at that place are not really SxS (or even quad) friendly, at least for the time being.
^ ^ ^ This.  100% 

I almost got killed by a tricked out Ford Raptor in Gorman on my (now sold) Yamaha Raptor 700R probably near 10 years ago. I used to just drive it up ramps in my dually and go there by myself for day runs. Best time was during the week... I was headed up a hill and he crested (practically jumped) as he went over head on to me. We both slammed on the brakes and there wasn't a collision. I was hauling the mail too, but was about to throttle off as I was going to crest the top. 

Sign/drive.. and the fact that these SXS have way more suspension and 'giddy up' now.



PS. Always doing the hand 'numbers' in G. I'd say a few dozen times per trip. However, I prefer empty dunes.. empty places.

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I almost got killed by a tricked out Ford Raptor in Gorman on my (now sold) Yamaha Raptor 700R probably near 10 years ago. I used to just drive it up ramps in my dually and go there by myself for day runs. Best time was during the week... I was headed up a hill and he crested (practically jumped) as he went over head on to me. We both slammed on the brakes and there wasn't a collision. I was hauling the mail too, but was about to throttle off as I was going to crest the top. 

Sign/drive.. and the fact that these SXS have way more suspension and 'giddy up' now.



PS. Always doing the hand 'numbers' in G. I'd say a few dozen times per trip. However, I prefer empty dunes.. empty places.
Gorman is so much fun...

When I get my new ride...Not holding my breath, LOL...we should meet up there.

maybe @Crusty could come out of hiding too. :poke:


I have said it before the SxS is one of those good and bad but also one of the worst things for off road communtiy.Allowed many into the sport but also many with no experience they get into one think wow this is smooth and fun haul azz across roads not thinking of whats coming and smack this can happen or the unexpected crash.

Yes there are experienced ones in them too who dont have an issue and dont hear about them because they aint crashing or rolling then posting up their badge of honor and those are few.

More of this and the regulations will be coming down quickly combined with the ones who drive all over the streets in the high desert racing up and down blasting the music etc!Add so cal with limited ohv areas they are all crowded into small spaces is a disaster for all types of ohv.

Gorman is so much fun...

When I get my new ride...Not holding my breath, LOL...we should meet up there.

maybe @Crusty could come out of hiding too. :poke:

I'm down for any local trail stuff....just give me a heads up so I can dust off my Dino...I mean Rhino  :lol:

New Rule for SXS UTV ROHV as of Nov. 1st

Not for other OHV though, interesting.


Governor signs bill mandating new rules for operating off-road vehicles in Arizona. The bill introduces a safety course requirement for operating off-highway vehicles. A driver's license requirement has been added.

Governor signs bill mandating new rules for operating off-road vehicles in Arizona. The bill introduces a safety course requirement for operating off-highway vehicles. A driver's license requirement has been added.

yeah it happened a couple months ago. I have not found the Fish Cops safety course online yet, interested to see where this leads.
Governor signs bill mandating new rules for operating off-road vehicles in Arizona. The bill introduces a safety course requirement for operating off-highway vehicles. A driver's license requirement has been added.

Rules are good for writing tickets.

As far as people following them. Well, we all know how that goes.

You know my group drives pretty fast out in the desert.. but I never drive faster than I can see.. meaning if something happened I couldn’t stop or damn near stop the car before ya hit it..

Off-roading out here is A LOT less congested than some of these riding areas you guys have and even then we have close calls and the occasional accident..

I don’t under driving like you are on a closed course when you clearly aren’t..

Downside of having window nets is ya can’t throw your beer at em anymore.
