Robert L

Robert must of moved his Moho because its Raining

Nice you know Sharon will have our spot coned off. Hopefully we don’t get stuck again this year.  

Nice you know Sharon will have our spot coned off. Hopefully we don’t get stuck again this year.  
Yerp you know where you are parking and I hope too park where it ain't soft either since I will be in a moho

No have not been able to duplicate the problem.  
Unfortunately, the problem will most likely return. I had the exact same issue as you. Problem would come and go. Little plastic part in the dump valve breaks and some times it seals and sometimes not. Easier to replace in your driveway than on the road and not too expensive. 

Hi Robert L. Psssssst.................we're coming to the SSSS. Any chance we can see Sylvia? Peace

Robert did you Notice that Cheff asked to see Silvia but didnt ask to see you? LOL
