RIP Virginia Dixon

Very sorry to hear of your loss Rest in peace.

My condolences friend, I recall you telling me health had been not good these last couple years.

Be at peace with her being in a better place now, 60 years is something to be proud of...well done Sir.

RIP Mrs. Dixon 

Sorry JD and Doug, know she is in a better place and is at peace ❤️

Very sorry for your loss.  RIP Virginia.


so sorry to read JD may she R.I.P.


Oh JD my heart breaks for you!!!  May you, your family and loved ones find peace in her passing with the many wonderful memories you've made in those amazing 60 years!!!


My heart aches reading this. So very sorry for your loss.

So sorry JD. I cannot imagine what you are going through, and words cannot express how you must feel. I couldn't imagine losing my Annabelle. RIP. 
