Riding From San Diego To Glamis on an ATC 250R!! ( World Record ) Rain, Ice, Wheelies, Cops.. INSANE!!

That is so Great! What a rush! Peace

that is SOO cool.  good for him for getting it done!!!

That is awesome 

Cudos to him for getting it done one more thing off the bucket list 👏

That’s rad. 
Thumbs up for him for getting it done! 

Very cool. 
Setting a goal and accomplishing it, is AWESOME!

I was standing by my trailer on Gecko loop when this guy rode by last week. I remember his unique seat. 

Cool and would do it if I could, but how the Eff did you get a 2 stroke 3 wheeler licensed for the street in California?

Like the plate, LEGL ATV

Alittle looking into and he is one lucky SOB and the dumb lady at the DMV,

Nice Job!

explained at 2:20

Solid axle on the street? What could go wrong!!!  :shocker:

That's COOL.

Desert people are just different....and thank God because it makes the world more colorful and interesting place to be.

That is cool!

I don't think I would attempt that though... :lmao:

My buddies and I rode our XR 50's from Stateline to Vegas....51 miles through the dessert, streets, hwy 215 by red rock.

4 1/2 hours and that was brutal.


Ok as much as this is cool, I'm as disappointed thinking it was going to be all trail. That would be epic. 

I don't think I would attempt that though.
Yeah, we get it / last time I saw you on that bike you were driving around in Evel Kineval underoos and a cape!

you better check yourself BEFORE you wreck yourself!

now :stfu:  and let the adults speak


Ok as much as this is cool, I'm as disappointed thinking it was going to be all trail. That would be epic. 
Ya, me too.  With some extreme Goole Earth mapping, it could be possible.
