Ridiculous “bike lane” Mira Mesa

Stupid idiots that think if we make more bike lanes people will stop driving and save the planet from imminent destruction. I smile and think of them every time I dump dog chit into the recycling bin.
You have inspired me sir. Let the dog chit into the recycling bin commence. I'm even going to encourage my neighbors to join this protest.

To quote the great Kirk Lazarus, "Never go full retard"

The funniest thing is this.

The bike lanes won't be used by the local kids, they still will ride on the sidewalks

They won't be used by the local road bike clubs, The road probably isn't even on one of the usual routes they like to use and it won't tie into other routes that they do use.

To quote the great Kirk Lazarus, "Never go full retard"

The funniest thing is this.

The bike lanes won't be used by the local kids, they still will ride on the sidewalks

They won't be used by the local road bike clubs, The road probably isn't even on one of the usual routes they like to use and it won't tie into other routes that they do use.
Nope.  They like to ride out in my neighborhood.  Every year, they shut down the only 2 roads that service about 30sq miles of rural community for a bike ride. 


They also like to "train" for this annual event by riding it every major weekend. 


And that's how they ride.  Smack dab in the middle of a winding 55mph rural road for no reason other than their personal entertainment.  The cars driven by us peasants that live here that have places to go?  Meh.  You can go around at the next non-existent legal passing opportunity.  The annual permit to close these roads receives no comment from us, we just have to deal with it.  

Nope.  They like to ride out in my neighborhood.  Every year, they shut down the only 2 roads that service about 30sq miles of rural community for a bike ride. 


They also like to "train" for this annual event by riding it every major weekend. 

And that's how they ride.  Smack dab in the middle of a winding 55mph rural road for no reason other than their personal entertainment.  The cars driven by us peasants that live here that have places to go?  Meh.  You can go around at the next non-existent legal passing opportunity.  The annual permit to close these roads receives no comment from us, we just have to deal with it.  
We have a road similar to that. The county wised up and added a huge bike lane to help keep everyone in their lane so to speak. Even get lots of runners on it. It's pretty busy on the weekends as well as in the AM. 

Sucks about the lack of no public comments on the closure.  Probably an uphill battle as they will say its good for the economy.   

Nope.  They like to ride out in my neighborhood.  Every year, they shut down the only 2 roads that service about 30sq miles of rural community for a bike ride. 


They also like to "train" for this annual event by riding it every major weekend. 

And that's how they ride.  Smack dab in the middle of a winding 55mph rural road for no reason other than their personal entertainment.  The cars driven by us peasants that live here that have places to go?  Meh.  You can go around at the next non-existent legal passing opportunity.  The annual permit to close these roads receives no comment from us, we just have to deal with it.  
They do this out here to, just not after it gets to hot. 

One weekend I was heading out to the local ride spot with my Banshee in the back of the truck. I was running late and knew my group would not wait at the staging area for long so I was in a hurry. 

It was a two lane 55mph, no passing area that is pretty much rolling hills ( Fountain Hills to Rio Verde for the locals) Well I came over a hill and there was about 20 of them just reaching the bottom of the hill so I had time to kick it down from my slightly over the suggested speed limit to 20mph as they took the entire lane going up this hill. Passing each other on the left side of the lane even. Right at the top of the hill where they made it so I could not pass I think I was down to maybe 10mph. At that point they all went into single file formation on the right side to allow me to pass, which I did. It was at that point I looked into my mirror. There they were 6" from my bumper and starting to pedal like mad men, expecting to draft off of me down the hill......

That's when the fun started.

I stayed on the brakes in the middle of the lane slowing down as we went down this nice long down hill. Not sure what was screaming more their brakes or their mouths but there was a lot of noise coming out from behind the truck.

This went all the way to the bottom of the hill, at which point I got back on the gas and went up the hill

They do this out here to, just not after it gets to hot. 

One weekend I was heading out to the local ride spot with my Banshee in the back of the truck. I was running late and knew my group would not wait at the staging area for long so I was in a hurry. 

It was a two lane 55mph, no passing area that is pretty much rolling hills ( Fountain Hills to Rio Verde for the locals) Well I came over a hill and there was about 20 of them just reaching the bottom of the hill so I had time to kick it down from my slightly over the suggested speed limit to 20mph as they took the entire lane going up this hill. Passing each other on the left side of the lane even. Right at the top of the hill where they made it so I could not pass I think I was down to maybe 10mph. At that point they all went into single file formation on the right side to allow me to pass, which I did. It was at that point I looked into my mirror. There they were 6" from my bumper and starting to pedal like mad men, expecting to draft off of me down the hill......

That's when the fun started.

I stayed on the brakes in the middle of the lane slowing down as we went down this nice long down hill. Not sure what was screaming more their brakes or their mouths but there was a lot of noise coming out from behind the truck.

This went all the way to the bottom of the hill, at which point I got back on the gas and went up the hill
My neighbor does that...

With his 7.3 diesel.

With the 6MT.  Amazing how much smoke a 7.3 makes in 6th before boost hits.  

Imo, biggest problem is the idea of "share the road". Most cyclist think that only applies to motorist and they are not included. When I was doing my cross country ride, in Oregon, I was on a 2 lane curvey hi way. Lots of logging truck were running it and as I heard them approaching I would pull off and give the lane. Took less then 30 seconds out of my ride, and every truck driver would give me a wave. I figured they have radios and can pass word to other drivers and maybe the curtesy would help my day, (days) be a little less stressful. The entire ride I never had one single issue with autos or trucks. I know the meaning of share. Other thing I realized long before I started this ride, no matter how many zillion miles I rode I was never going to be like Lance Armstrong.

Yes, they seem to have a hard time understanding that share the road does not mean they get to ride two or three wide so they can carry on a conversation. 

Yes, they seem to have a hard time understanding that share the road does not mean they get to ride two or three wide so they can carry on a conversation. 

Meh, must roadies like to think they are riding in the TDF and use pacelines to go faster.  Effers ruined the roads in the Santa Monica canyons where I used to ride my old Ducati and drive my BMW 2002s.  Between cyclists effing up the roads and SXS effing up the trails, there isn't much good riding / driving to be had anymore without doing a track day or knowing someone who knows where the good single track / private tracks are . . .

so they apologized for it & their answer was to put up some signs and to admit that this will result in accidents but "we hope they are not fatal". 

WTF??????  just put the Ph.u.cking road back to what it was & make the bike riders move the Ph.u.ck over..........  Gloria is a POS.  they are all POS's.........
